Yeah, your currency and equity? hehehe ...
Did you forget to say "our" currency and equity?

Well, maybe you just slipped of tounge.
cause nobody in this group have an absolut power to settled the main
Stock market, BEI as well,  is a collective game. Not
perform by "one man show"

how come someone could jack up the main index,
while he/she can't settled a single stock to his/her own target.
(remember this phrase?... i said this  last year on PGAS topic)

I hope this kind "power show-off" games ended now. agree?
(please don't mistake, i'm not attacking. and you do respect all kind
of views, right?)

now, back to elaine.
i just have the same idea, i think she have relationship to CS (or two
other brokerhouses).
(maybe she is one of their analysts, or work in their related fund
and she knew about the news earlier than us.

So, she knew that their managed fund will reduce their holding in this
more than that, with this scarry   weather of regional investment,
she expect that their sell off will surely have a BIG impact to our
and that's it. She boasting in this milis, that she will destroy IDX,
bla bla bla ...

But she forgot to count on the buyer's power or capital inflow, or the
force of IDX occupant...
maybe she thought that their funds was too big to absorb by us.
(well, who knows? i don't know exactly the amount of their managed funds
to withdrawn from here).

please, except my apologize  if my posting hurt somebody here. i just
share my views.


--- In, Frederick Schubert
> sorry...
>   but reading your posting has really inspired my curiousity...
>   how come a person like you who only trades less than IDR1 billion a
day could say that u could bomb my equity...?
>   come radar never gets you in or out...even..
>   today (Monday), most selling was executed by CS on notes from its
research team that the Philippines market is more attractive after
falling 15% so far this year and ask to reduce Indonesian shares, in
this case is Bumi... Overall, CS is now making its biggest gamble of
investment by recommending a politically unstable philippine which will
in coming days may be jolted by series of street demonstrations to oust
Arroyo (GMA)...
>   peace...and am just enjoying this TEMPORARY bearish trend for my
fund-consortium's buying program.... waiting for the next stop at 2610
before another take off....
> Elaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Somehow I got banned.. lol, that's a nice way to say thanks. After
all, I was just passing by. Well, I guess I'm not welcome here so, good
luck and thank you. I won't come back, don't worry bout that...
> Hopefully no one was hurt because of me...
> Elaine

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