*No, I think it's Fred's. He's the guy that was saying that we're heading to
3000 by this month.. lol..


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 1:18 PM, wencen79 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   May be Elaine's BOZZ is one of the rogue trader...hmmm..just curious.
> Elaine works in Singapore...
> Revealed: The Dirty Tricks of Rogue Traders
> By Robert Winnett
> The Telegraph, London
> Friday, March 21, 2008
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/03/21/nhedgi.
> ..
> A hedge fund based in London set up a "dirty-tricks unit" to manipulate
> share prices and get illicit information on companies in an attempt to make
> millions on the stock market, an insider has revealed.
> As the official hunt began for the rogue traders who tried to bring down
> Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, The Daily Telegraph can reveal a
> whistle-blower's account of how a multi-billion pound fund allegedly used
> illegal tactics to drive down stock prices.
> Private detectives were allegedly employed to hack into executives' emails
> and telephone records.
> Front companies were set up to allow the hedge fund traders to pose as
> independent researchers or journalists.
> Negative information on companies was then distributed to leading
> investment banks in the hope that rumours would spread and some share prices
> would fall.
> The hedge fund, which cannot be named for legal reasons, stood to make
> millions from "short-selling" the shares as they fell in value.
> The allegations -- made in a sworn statement seen by The Daily Telegraph
> and which has been sent to financial regulators -- will add to growing
> concern over the activities of rogue traders in the City.
> The Financial Services Authority, the City regulator, has begun a criminal
> investigation to find the trader who allegedly made L100 million from the 17
> per cent slump in HBOS shares on Wednesday.
> The shares fell after "malicious" rumours were spread in the City about
> the bank, sparking fears that the price had been illegally manipulated -- a
> move described as "the modern day version of bank robbery."
> FSA investigators are seeking emails sent to traders that are thought to
> have prompted widespread selling of HBOS shares. They claimed the bank was
> experiencing difficulties.
> *It has emerged that the rumours are thought to have originated in the Far
> East, with Singapore named as the most likely source. Nick Leeson, the
> notorious rogue trader responsible for the collapse of Barings Bank, also
> operated in Singapore.*
> In a separate development, Credit Suisse, the investment bank, admitted
> that it had uncovered a separate L1.4 billion share-dealing scam by rogue
> traders -- many of whom were based in London -- who were trying to protect
> their bonuses.
> The Credit Suisse traders are understood to have sought to cover up their
> trading losses at the end of last year.
> The revelations follow a week of turmoil in the global markets after the
> near collapse of the American investment bank Bear Stearns.
> Following a meeting with the major banks, it emerged that the Bank of
> England was considering helping to alleviate the financial crisis by easing
> the restrictions on banks seeking to borrow money from it.
> The accusations about the hedge fund form the most detailed account yet of
> the illicit activity carried out by the London office of a major
> international hedge fund. Such tactics are also thought to be used by other
> hedge funds.
> The sworn statement containing the allegations is understood to have been
> sent to the FSA last year although it is not known what action the regulator
> took.
> The document alleges that:
> -- Employees of the hedge fund ordered an American-based private detective
> to hack into the corporate email systems of two firms in which the hedge
> fund had an interest.
> -- A bogus firm with a phony internet address was established to allow
> employees to pose as independent researchers and approach company executives
> to garner information on their firms' future financial prospects. The firm
> was also used to gain access to industry conferences.
> -- A false Website with a bogus address was also registered to allow hedge
> fund traders to pose as journalists. The offices of American politicians
> were approached by people claiming to be journalists to obtain information
> about potential new laws banning internet gambling that would hit British
> firms.
> -- Jurors and their families in a sensitive legal case into whether a firm
> had exclusive patent rights in which the hedge fund had invested were
> "tapped up." Money was allegedly paid to jurors' families for information
> about jury-room deliberations.
> -- Hedge fund staff gathered "sensitive" negative information on firms in
> which they had an interest in the share price falling. This information was
> distributed to leading investment banks whose experts were encouraged to
> take a dim view of the prospects of the company's shares. A German "media
> consultant" was also used to disseminate information.
> -- A safe containing large amounts of cash was installed in the hedge
> fund's office. Money was paid to "sources" providing valuable inside
> information. On one occasion, an anonymous informant was paid $50,000.
> The hedge fund at the centre of the allegations has offices in London's
> West End and traders spent their staff Christmas party on a luxury cruise.
> It was set up by former senior executives from a blue-chip investment
> firm. However, from 2005, the "dirty-tricks unit" was staffed by former
> corporate investigators and investigative journalists hired from newspapers.
> Pressure is growing on the FSA to clamp down on the worst excesses of the
> hedge fund industry after a series of scandals culminating in the attempt
> this week to start a run on HBOS.
> The hedge fund "dirty tricks unit" exposed today was set up in London but
> operated around the world. It is alleged that this was to avoid tougher
> regulatory controls in New York.
> On Thursday, Britain's biggest banks met with the Bank of England to urge
> them to loan more money to help alleviate the impact of the global credit
> crunch.
> The Bank, which agreed to some of the demands, released another L5 billion
> for the money markets. The stock market, which dropped slightly, is now
> closed until Tuesday.
> HBOS shares recovered on Thursday, closing up more than 6 per cent.

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