yea rite
Elaine Sui
friendster profile
twenty something
psycho driver

I don't believe a shit of it..

whose profile was that on friendster you are using.. ?
poor girl..


--- In, Elaine 
> *I'm not leaving OB. No I'm not mad or hate anyone here, after all 
I don't
> play with retail traders. (lol if you WERE my prey, then why'd I 
warn you?).
> That's why I only "play" with Fred, but not others.
> And who said I'm a Singaporean? :) From my friendster profile? lol. 
If I
> stay in Singapore and my name sounds like Singaporean then I must 
be a
> Singaporean and I should speak Singlish, right?
> Dear all, what you just saw was a true example of Market 
Psychology. Market
> moves on what they believe, even though it may be inaccurate. 
Rumors don't
> wait for confirmation and traders are used to do "buy/sell first, 
> question later". That's WHY market often overreacted on rumors. 
> been like that.
> Only smart traders could take advantage of this condition.
> Sorry for using you guys to prove this theory. I was just messing 
around.. lol
> men are so easy.......sorry but you prove it yourself. I salute the 
rest who
> were able to not get involved in this. Ok guys, that's the trading 
> for tonight, see you at the next ten hours.
> To Dean, Bandar Junior, Charlie Chaplin and others: Thank you for 
your kind
> posts. I really appreciate them.
> Elaine*

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