The new price of premium leaded petrol (ULG 97) is RM2.70 per litre beginning 
midnight tonight, it was announced a moment ago. The price for ULG 92 petrol 
per litre went up by 74 sen to RM2.62. Diesel will go up by RM1 per litre to 
RM2.58. The 78 sen hike or 40 per cent increase for the ULG 97 petrol is still 
below the antiticpated RM4 per litre price projected earlier and among the 
cheapest in Asia. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri 
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at a news conference. 
             Abdullah also announced a new tariff structure for electricity 
supply in Peninsula Malaysia beginning July 1.

slwtid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             Sudah ada 
beritanya tuh...di Channel News Asia running text, Malaysia 
 naikkan petrol naik 40% mulai 5 juni. Kasih..deh..
 --- In, Jack Cowok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 > Menurut saya bursa Malaysia paling stabil dan not a crazy follower.
 >   Seperti yang saya katakan, mungkin mereka mau memancing di air 
 tetangga yang keruh.
 >   Salam
 >   JACK
 > rudd haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >             Kalau efek buat capital market, mungkin kita harus 
 lihat lagi ke belakang
 >   dulu waktu Indonesia naikin minyak 80% tahun 2005, ada efeknya 
 juga kah ke Bursa malaysia??
 >   Saya sendir ga tahu persis, karena efek di BEJ ckup terasa.., 
 mungkin karena BEJ bukan pemain dominan waktu itu, Efek ke luar juga 
 kurang mungkin


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