Hello all

Sj and I have discussed and decided the following.

1) We have decided that the offline wikimedians UG will not answer the WMF survey. Main argument is purely technical. Due to the complex design of the survey, we consider it too difficult to collect your collective opinions and draw relevant conclusions to inject into the survey. We could have made it simpler is filling a survey that would reflect Sj and I opinion, but we did not feel we should do that. So, if you want to provide your opinion and answer the WMF survey, please do so at the individual level (we strongly suggest you do) ---> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_movement_brand_project/Naming_convention_proposals

2) With regards to signing the COOL (Community Open Letter on renaming), we would like to ask you to please vote by saying :

either "Yes, we should sign the letter"
or "No, we should not sign the letter"

Neutral opinion will be counted as No

If we have at least 7 members voting and at least 2/3 YES, we will sign the letter. If we have at least 7 members voting and less than 2/3 YES, we will not sign the letter.
If we have less than 7 members voting, we will not sign the letter.

Please vote by answering to this email (public statement)
Deadline Wenesday

Link to the letter : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_open_letter_on_renaming
At the moment, 34 affiliates signed it (and 335 individuals)

Flo and Sj

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