Hi Morphis,

> > > I saw you added some time ago support for the Palm Pre MSM Modem. I am
> > > working 
> > > on the FSO (http://www.freesmartphone.org/) side to support this kind of
> > > MSM 
> > > modem as well. I am are currently stucked with the binary protocol spoken 
> > > between modem and userland in webOS.
> > > 
> > > The Problem why we do this is the following: As I and some other people
> > > find out, 
> > > there is no support on the data channel (the one you use in oFono to speak
> > > 
> > > plain AT with the modem) for unsolicited responses.
> > > 
> > > So the only option is to support the binary protocol to get minimally the 
> > > response from the modem when for example a call arrives.
> > > 
> > > So my question is: How do you want to manage this with your plugin for the
> > > 
> > > Palm Pre modem? Do you even plan to use the serial interface on the 
> > > /dev/modemuart port? 
> > 
> > I expect that at some point someone does a MSM plugin that talks this
> > binary protocol and it will work with more Qualcomm based devices than
> > the Palm Pre. We will see. However any patches are more than welcome.
> No patches from me for oFono as I am a FSO fan boy :) 

I think we need to convert you :)

To be honest it would be way simpler for you to write a MSM plugin for
oFono since it is actually designed to support binary protocols like the
Nokia Phonet in the first place.



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