Hi Slava,

On 09/09/2017 04:30 AM, Slava Monich wrote:
Hi Denis,

Hi Slava,

In the Sailfish OS case, one is the positioning helper, and there's the factory test app. That makes it at least two. The factory test app often plays the role of the second client since it's touching pretty much all the important interfaces in the system. And there are 3rd party apps which we don't control.

See? This wasn't that hard ;)

How does the factory test app use this info? Does it need actual periodic updates or can it simply obtain this via the method call?

Our RIL plugin decides on the update rate internally, based on the device state (limiting the rate when the screen turns off).

And hopefully you understand why hard-coding the behavior in a plugin is not a solution for upstream? Our solution must be generic enough where any behavior can be implemented, perhaps with a bit more pain on the integrator side. But the advantage is that it works for every piece of hardware that has support for a particular feature.

You have the advantage that you have control or can assume how stuff works on your platform. Hence you can implement such simplistic behavior of turning serving cell updates to every minute with screen off / every 1 second with screen on. Unfortunately upstream cannot make such assumptions, cannot rely on hacks and has to implement proper solutions.

Different clients have different needs - some need updates only when the screen is on (if they are just displaying something on the screen) and some may always need updates (a background task collecting some data or whatever). The optimal solution may be quite specific to the environment where ofono is used.

Agreed. Upstream will try to provide APIs to enable you to do that. If some API doesn't cover your needs, then feel free to contribute and make things better. Complaining and then taking your ball and going home is not conducive to upstream paying attention to your needs. Only through active contribution can you influence things. Just saying...

I'm open to the idea of supporting multiple agents. We do have to figure out who dictates the periodic update interval. One approach might be to have a single master agent and multiple observer agents. Feel free to propose something.

You (correctly) said that the agent approach saves some system resources by not sending unnecessary signals if no one is interested in this information. However, in all other cases the agent (method call) approach is less efficient than signals.

ofono calls dbus-daemon, the daemon calls the agent, each call has a reply, so the total number of D-Bus packets per notification comes to 4*n where n is the number of agents (or 2*n if the caller sets NO_REPLY_EXPECTED flag).

Which we do by the way. The ServingCellInformationChanged method call is already sent as noreply. It was not marked thus in the documentation. It was an oversight that has been now fixed.

If you are using signals, the number of packets involved is n+1 (one packet from ofono to the daemon and then one to each interested client). Obviously, (n+1) > 2*n (let alone 4*n) if and only if n = 0. Not to mention that signals are significantly easier to use than (especially, multiple) agents.

I don't know what you're arguing here. Yes in an idealized world having n agents is less efficient than having a signal with n observers. Multicast is more efficient. No ****.

But do realize things are never so simple. You do have to pay a cost for this, through complex signal matching data structures, having to set up proper Match rules with dbus-daemon, and unsubscribing from such signals is sometimes not possible. Some clients simply don't do this properly, and a signal ends up being blasted out to way more clients than your idealized model. But I digress as this isn't what was being argued.

Jonas wanted all these to be actual properties. So a PropertyChanged signal would be emitted for each and every one. Given that we have 20 odd properties defined, sending a signal for each one vs a single method call out to the agent is more efficient. Yes we can perform comparisons and only emit properties that changed. But most of these are signal related, and so are extremely variable. The chance that they don't change between updates is tiny.

Which by the way is what your vaunted 'own' implementation does. So its not sending 1 signal per update either, is it? You might want to fix that as it doesn't fit your ideal world view ;)

So regardless of how you look at it, the agent approach is more efficient than having everything as a property. That was my original point.

And by the way, the agent approach lets us figure out when a client has died and updates are no longer needed. So we can intelligently turn off communication with the modem and not waste resources. We can also more easily control access permissions (as in which application can enable updates in the first place) via the security framework. Those are huge design advantages in our view.

That said, this NetworkMonitor thing is what it is and you decide how it works. If it doesn't suit our needs (and it doesn't) I just implement my own (and I did). I'm not in the mood to argue whose implementation is better. Everything can be done in so many different ways, so let a hundred flowers bloom.

And again I see you taking your ball and going home ;)

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