On 03/01/2018 04:27 PM, Alexander Couzens wrote:
Hi Jonas,

thanks for your patch.
I'm actually having problem from time to time with ofono (quectel
ec 20) when using LTE. Ofono has 2 contexts allocated, but it says
it's detached to packet switched.

You should get just one context now...

I hope your patch is fixing this.

In the LTE atom, you're setting the profile 1.
Does it really have to be profile 1. Is the profile 1 a special profile
which should not be removed?! Or how is it ensured, this can not be

Well, that's where I need some help from somebody with another modem. This works for the one I've got.

I'm not able to remove profile 1... not sure why, but the command fails consistently. There's no reason it has to be profile 1, as far as I can tell... for the AT command set, context 0 seems to be special, but profile 0 does not exist on my modem.

Maybe the 'default' profile is the just the first dual-stack profile amongst all profiles???

Hopefully the patch is starting point for figuring this out...

I'm also asking, because ofono/qmi doesn't really support ipv4, ipv6 and
dual contexts. For this we need to manage exactly those profiles and
use them when starting the contexts. Atm requesting an ipv4
context can result in requesting a Dual context depending if the
network (SGSN/GGSN) supports it.

As far as I understand it, the default bearer context has to be dual stack.



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