I'm with Ryan. I have serious, serious concern about
the legality of OSRIC.

I'll summarize as follows:

I found out about it when someone emailed me: "Is this
legal?" and sent me the link. I emailed back: "I
wouldnt touch that with a 10' pole."


--- Ryan Dancey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Their license page is simply incorrect in many of
> its assertations.
> To the extent that the charts of ability scores do
> not represent a
> non-linear mathmatical function (i.e., the figures
> are arbitrarily made up
> by the original writer) they're protected by
> copyright and can't be reused
> without permission.
> To the extent that the class & racial limitations
> and individual power
> descriptions and level dependent abilities and game
> modifiers match those of
> AD&D (any edition) and are not the result of a
> simple linear mathematical
> function, those templates represent selection,
> arrangement and presentation
> copyrights inherent in AD&D and suffer the same
> limitations.
> Spell names which are not OGC but are in AD&D and
> are "not obvious" (i.e.
> they contain some creative element) are copyright by
> WotC.
> The 'to hit' charts, to the extent that they
> represent non-linear functions,
> are protected by WotC copyright.
> In summary:  I wouldn't touch this without SERIOUS
> work to ensure everything
> I used was actually OGC.
> Ryan
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