On 12/ 2/14 05:52 AM, Nikola M. wrote:
I would like to understand why distribution that was already in some snv_134 or
something, after 111b/2009.06 release, could not just be renamed and moved on
like nothing happened?

That is exactly what OpenIndiana tried to do.

OpenIndiana came after that and I don't see too much of people previously inside
Opensolaris community stepping up, _except_ those great people that actually
made Openindiana possible.

OpenIndiana found out making that distro is hard without the hundreds of people
Sun was paying to work on it. The number of community participants from outside
Sun never even came close to matching the amount Sun was assigning to do the
work (and which Oracle then kept working on Solaris 11 instead).

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc

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