On 05/16/16 05:58 AM, Michael Kruger wrote:
Hello All,

Reporting my progress so nobody gets the idea this little technology demonstration project has been abandoned. Far from it, there has been continued development.

See it all here: http://makruger.github.io/website/

STOP calling your private site "Openindiana docs" they are not , simply because you just wrote something on your site and you just say so. Working on things alone and then coming up with aspiration to turn around everything is not friendly behavior to Openindiana and it's community.

Posting any "guides" and "roles" inside Openindiana without consultation of others and wider audience is simply arrogant and destructive to Openindiana and that represents TROLLING of Openindiana.

Anyone wanting to make OI a prison for "roles" and "policies" in privately handled conspiration-like consultations behind closed doors is doing things against OI's and OI's users personal freedoms.

You are not going to single-handed destroy positive community process with the reviews, good intention to everyone, without isolationist policies, freedom of contribution and a good will in general.
You are not allowed to police Openindiana contribution process.

You are told we have a Wiki for new articles to go through, that does not require any additional tasks nor requirements for contributor. You ignored ALL availble suggestions and also you refused to accept Opensolaris Docs PDL license that you need to accept before working on them. Your articles atre NOT "Docs" but your writings that is not by any mean connected to Openindiana.

Anything else but writing your articles (that need to be checked anyway) , that you "prescribe" about "organising" is trolling of OI. Since you are doing things in not-community way, also your "site" things are void.

This weekend the contribution page was reworked with a slightly modified layout and several new buttons:

* Style Guide
* GitHub (link to my repo, so you can fork it)
* Site build
* Site Theming
* Site Publishing

Renamed the workflow page to 'process' and expanded it out.

Frak your "process".

And to top it all off, I shamelessly stole the favicon from the OI WIKI.

You shamelessly stole Openindiana brand name for your site and as I already explained you are not by any means representing Openindiana docs and you should stop with this nonsense.
If you want to write articles, fine,
Not ANY part of your site will end up on Openindiana.org site, ever because of your arrogance till now on this matters. For your texts, follow procedure with having your article redacted on OI Wiki, if you have any sense of community-based contribution in mind and not just trolling us..

Still need to work on adding content to the site build pages, etc., but in the meantime, you can

Frak off from OI site.

look at my blog which provides some details how to install and build an Awestruct based website from scratch:

Repeate first prescription X2 a day again to frak off from OI site.

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