On 22.02.2017 21:09, Aurélien Larcher wrote:

I do not know, I was just curious since Bryan Cantrill's horror stories
on jemalloc.
So I was wondering about the "why" of messing with it instead of using

So the horror Stories where about jemalloc. I though there were about libmalloc or something :)

In that case leaving it out will definately give us benefits if I get it right. Also jemalloc in Mozilla is not the upstream jemalloc and there were a lot of improvements there. There was some mention about TLS needing it. But if that does not apply then I would say disable it.

It would also be nice to check with Illumos mailing list to see how our malloc is different from FreeBSD and how this influences the situation. If I understand Brian Cantrill corretly our implementation knows what it should do and when it does not we should fix that instead of using something like jemalloc.


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