On 12/11/19 12:51 PM, Jeremy Andrews wrote:
This is an interesting discussion, and I did want to address some
additional comments...

Actually, the restrictions they have are on the use of the official
branding. They are saying you have to build it a specific way if you
want to use their official branding, and they have very specific
requirements to get permission to use official branding that I've
managed to comply with thus far. However, if you were to use alternative
branding like IceWeasel-UXP does:


Then you don't have to follow those requirements.

I assumed since you weren't interested in Pale Moon, you weren't
interested in anything like this at all, but I heard someone talk about
issues with Rust and then someone else mention IceWeasel which reminded
me there was an alternative. The big advantages of the UXP platform are
that it supports more modern websites than older Firefox does, doesn't
have Rust or telemetry, and still supports XUL extensions and NPAPI plugins.

The irony of all this is, the reason Pale Moon has the branding
restrictions is because they haven't tested any system libraries other
than their own internal ones, they don't want to provide support for
custom builds, and they're worried about their browser getting a bad
reputation for being buggy due to being built in an unsupported
configuration. But now their browser apparently has a bad reputation
because of their licensing restrictions.

Jeremy, thank you for the explanation. We value your work and interest. Even-though we won't accept Pale Moon, I hope this whole exercise helped you understand web browser's internals.

As others I invite you to work with us on bringing Firefox 68 ESR to OpenIndiana. Your skill-set looks right for the task. Currently we update LLVM (https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/5389) so we can build newer Rust, and thus build new Firefox (https://github.com/OpenIndiana/oi-userland/pull/4999). Talk to us on #openindiana Freenode channel if this suits your interests.


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