On 12/12/19 03:13 PM, Gary Mills wrote:
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 09:34:03AM +0100, Michal Nowak via oi-dev wrote:
Thanks for your answers, Gary. One point of clarification below:

On 11/27/19 03:58 PM, Gary Mills wrote:
* we don't test that changes build the less work on SPARC

I don't understand this condition.

"It's not required to test update (PR) on SPARC for it to be merged."

Is this wording clearer?

Yes, that's clear to me.

Currently it's required minimal testing to be done for a PR to be accepted.
I am basically not expecting PR to be tested on SPARC for it to be

I assume that a PR will always be tested on x86.  That's fine with me.

Thanks. This arrangement should work for me. Feel free to come-up with SPARC-related PRs in GitHub.


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