On 13/12/2019 20:17, Michal Nowak via oi-dev wrote:
> Thanks. This arrangement should work for me. Feel free to come-up
> with SPARC-related PRs in GitHub.

I have been discussing my options for what OS to install on a Sun
T5140.  I plan to use this as a multi-user OS, virtualization host,
and ZFS file server.

It will be exposed to the Internet so other users can log in to the
base OS or their VM's.  I will therefore harden the system and deploy
it in a network environment such as a DMZ and/or allow access via a
hardened VPN or jump box.

My current plan is first to install Oracle Solaris 11.3 and evaluate
Solaris as an option.  Before 11.3 reaches EOL I would re-evaluate
whether to invest in newer, supported hardware to run a newer and
supported version of Solaris.  (In any case, I plan to invest in a
newer SPARC machine /at some point/.  I plan then to repurpose the
T5140 for Linux or BSD development.  But first thing first.)

It would be ideal and preferable if I could use an illumos-derived OS
as a user.  The aim would be to develop my skills and ultimately
contribute to SPARC support.  This is a more productive goal I think.

This thread has given me the impression that OpenIndiana has (some?)
SPARC support.  However according to the OI FAQ I would have to run a
different illumos-derived OS for SPARC support (

Please could somebody clarify for me?  Also, would OpenIndiana run on
my T5140?

I am looking for the most direct way to get started running *nix on
this T5140.  Also I am investigating opportunities for contributing to
SPARC ports -- on various OS'es -- of particular user-level libraries
and applications.  I have been discussing this with potential

Thank you for any advice!

Kind regards,

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