aacid added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D7671#144616, @rkflx wrote:
  > For completeness, for a file watch on "x" (not sure whether you may have 
confused file and dir watches as well as file and dir Okular code pathes in 
your reply), we get:
  > - `touch x` (no x yet) → "created" signal
  > - `touch x` (again) → "dirty" signal
  > - `touch ../y && mv ../y x` → "deleted" signal and "created" signal
  > - `rm x` → "deleted" signal
  >   To me this seems logical and consistent, only the documentation regarding 
"move" is lacking. Of course we could argue that `touch` (no x yet), `mv` and 
`rm` should also send an additional "dirty" signal. Above I said "it should 
not", because it breaks backwards compatibility with existing KDirWatch users 
(they get signals they may have wanted to avoid, or they have a separate code 
path for "create") and there are already more specialized signals. In addition, 
only adding to the documentation is less risky than invasive changes to 
KDirWatch's internals (it has to work for all backends and on all platforms, 
after all).
  i'm not going to keep discussing this here, makes no sense, if you want to 
discuss on KDirwarch use the kde-frameworks-devel thread.

  R223 Okular


To: progwolff, aacid
Cc: sander, rkflx, #okular, aacid

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