> Absolutely. I've noticed you having a shot with "large print" and given the
> frequency, it looks automated... is that right? (Super awesome!!)

Yeah.  I came down with a cold over the Thanksgiving weekend :-(   so
I sat around in front of the computer with more time to kill than
usual  :-)

I found the "Selenium IDE" toolset for scripting browser actions,
giving me macro recorder/playback for Firefox.  You can squeeze in a
minimal amount of javascript for just a smidgen of flexibility within
Selenium's scripting framework.  It is just enough to do a few regex

I got far enough into it to be able to remove the large print phrase
from the title and add it to the edition field.  Open the book entry,
hit edit, run the macro, save, go back and do the next.

Then I got bored with opening each one.  I found how to read through a
page of search results, do a pattern match on each list entry, and
then run the edit on the entry, in a loop.  I do a search, glance down
the page to make sure they look right, and then unleash the macro
script on 100 entries at a time.

> Looks like edits to some stuff was a bit tricksy?
> e.g. http://openlibrary.org/recentchanges/2010/11/30/edit-book/42076112

Argh, yes.  I had several like that sneak in.  I tried to be pretty
conservative about what to match.  For the mass list of 100 search
results, I only took the entries with the words "large print" at the
very end of the title, with a comma, dash or parenthesis preceeding
it.  That way I don't mangle ones where it really is part of the title
like "Books in large print".

I found a few patterns like this which can be cleaned up better (like
"Harlequin Medical", etc.)

> We've certainly talked about how fantastic it would be to allow people out 
> there
> to write bots to work on Open Library records. Presumably, each bot would need
> to be reviewed by OL staff (or trusted contributors) before they are let loose
> on the OL dataset...

Um, yeah, oops; I hope I didn't jump in too eagerly with the macro edits.

> We could build a page under /developers that lists all the bots people write,
> and provides steps for people to submit a bot for review.

> Would something like that be worth pursuing?

I think so.

> Alan - can you tell us what you're up to?

I hope that was a good description.  Thanks

- Alan
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