On 3/16/13 9:10 AM, David Cuenca wrote:
> Tom, thanks for starting a new thread. I've written a short overview
> about the state of the "booksphere" (webpages/services related to
> books). Feel free to correct it / expand it:
> http://piratepad.net/5QhLcgbyTt

David, this is actually an interesting start for an upcoming NISO 
meeting on bibliographic metadata:


While OL focuses on books, we need to think about how that can interact 
with the other forms of recorded knowledge. There are whole disciplines 
today who hardly ever use a book - their knowledge is in a combination 
of journal articles and data sets.

As a first step in your list, I'd separate the full text and the 
bibliographic metadata storage. For example, the Internet Archive stores 
full text; OL stores only metadata, but with some links to full text.

> In my opinion there are several roles that the OL can perform very well:
> - linking hub / aggregation: point to online resources which are
> specialized in key areas (scans, reviews, transcriptions, annotations, etc)
> - bibliographic data server: provide bibliographic data, including
> provenance: who created that data, when, and under which license (or
> only provide free data).
> - book copyright info: who holds the rights and how long for. Search
> capabilities to find public domain works.

Unfortunately, the copyright information is not available. One of the 
huge problems that we have today is that there is no requirement that 
copyright owners maintain a legal record of their ownership. Even when 
there was such a requirement, over time copyright information has been 
lost. That is why we have a large number of "orphan works."

However, I would add one other possible role for OL, and that is as a 
source of http URIs for works. There is no other good source for this. 
ISBN identifies individual publications, but those only date back to the 
late 1960's. Various national libraries have assigned identifiers to 
publications that could be considered authoritative. But there is no 
other source of identifiers for works (that is the aggregation of 
publications of the same text).

> Then there are roles which, while possible, seem to be already covered
> extensively by other webpages and it might be too late to compete with
> them, namely:
> - reviews
> - lists
> - recommendation engine (based on reviews)

Yes, but OL does link to some of those, and therefore becomes part of 
the web of data about books. It would be great to begin to look at that 
web in terms of the new W3C annotations standard.


> And finally there is the unexplored field of creative commons
> publishing. It might be unrelated to the OL, but I haven't found any
> website in the free culture community that caters for:
> - self-publishing: connecting writers, proofreaders/editors, and cover
> creators that want to collaborate publishing CC works

Are you thinking that someone should store the works themselves, or the 
metadata? Anyone can upload such a work to the Archive, and some authors 
have added their own works to OL. However, if the works are not open 
access, then they can't be uploaded digitally.

> - CC works storage: something like PG or WS, but for newly created works
> - on-demand printing
> - donations for the authors (indiegogo and kickstarter take care of
> crowdfunding only)
> The solutions that exist right now are: Lulu (for-profit), Amazon
> CreateSpace (for-profit), unglue.it <http://unglue.it> (crowfunding for
> releasing copyrighted works as CC) and BooksLLC (sells digital/printed
> PD works). While not in the original plan, maybe you can also give it
> some thought to this.

unglue.it does add its metadata to OL. Any of the others are also free 
to do so. Perhaps was is needed is an easy "upload" interface that takes 
some standard formats (like BIBTeX or RIS).


> Cheers,
> David
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