My situation involves a single work with 9 volumes, bound as 11. Each of the 
volumes has different subtitles, different authors, and printed in different 
years. Some of the volumes have Tables of Contents that should be included in 
the record, so that's not available as a work-around. 

I'm well acquainted with standard library practice and have never been fond of 
it. It may be adequate for some works, but terribly useless for other works. 
Just because past practice dealt with it poorly need not limit us in future 
practice. Standard practice never included book covers or Tables of Contents, 
but these are valuable additions. 

I understand the current database structure doesn't deal with this real-life 
issue, and changes to the database are a long-range planning thing. In the 
interim, what are your thoughts on volumes as Works or as Editions?? 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Karen Coyle" <> 
To: "Open Library -- technical discussion" <> 
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 2:29:04 PM 
Subject: Re: [ol-tech] Fwd: How to handle Volumes within an Edition?? 

Standard library practices for monographs in multiple volumes is to 
simply give a volume statement, like "2v.", in the place of the 
pagination. That's all that is needed. If, however, the volumes have 
been scanned, then, as Tom mentions, for scanned works, there is a 
separate IA entry for each volume, since each volume is a separate 
scanned file. 

One possible solution is to use the table of contents area. Since 
Markdown is being used for editing, a full URI is coded as actionable. 
So if you put: 

* Volume 1 | 
* Volume 2 | 

It should create clickable links to each scanned volume. 


On 2/20/16 8:45 AM, Tom Morris wrote: 
> There isn't really a good solution to this currently. OpenLibrary is 
> kind of caught between existing library cataloging practice only 
> catalogs editions, not works, and keeps all volumes together on a single 
> edition record; and the needs of Internet Archive to have individual 
> volumes recorded so that they match up with the scanning. 
> Supporting multi-volume editions would require additional engineering 
> work as well as a change in current practices. 
> It's worth noting that a similar situation exists currently with 
> translations. Translated editions are all collected together in the same 
> work with original language editions. This is, I believe, the correct 
> way to do it, but because there's no easy way to filter by language, the 
> pile of editions can be quite a jumble for popular works. 
> Tom 
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Hi-storian < 
> <>> wrote: 
> See my email, below for details. 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> *From: *"Open Library Support" < 
> <>> 
> *To: * <> 
> *Sent: *Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:15:00 PM 
> *Subject: *Re: Support case *Other* 
> Hi and thank you for contacting us, 
> Yep, there is no non-mess way to do this at this time and I'm actually 
> not even sure if there's a standard way to do it for the way our 
> records 
> are currently imported. You're welcome to asdk on the ol-tech list to 
> see if someone there has a little more insight into the meta-aspects 
> than I do. Details are on this page (the archives link is wrong but 
> otherwise the page is accurate) 
> Thanks for using <> and 
> <> 
> The Open Library Team/jw 
> <> 
> On 2/18/16 11:54 AM, 
> <> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > Description: 
> > 
> > I understand the nature and relation between Work records and 
> Editions records, but I have a question that doesn't seem to be 
> answered in your FAQ anywhere. 
> > 
> > How do you enter an Edition that contains multiple volumes. In 
> theory, you should be able to create multiple volume records under 
> the Edition record, just as you create multiple Edition records 
> under a Work record. 
> > 
> > I'm assuming the work around is to enter each separate volume as 
> a new "Edition" ... but that's not quite right. It would create a 
> mess that would quickly be confusing. After all, the 1st Edition 
> may have 2 volumes, the 2nd Edition 4 volumes, the 3rd edition 6 
> volumes .... Imagine how confusing if the volumes are all jumbled up 
> without being clearly set together within an Edition. 
> > 
> > Is there a way to do this correctly, of is this a feature "in the 
> works" for a later release? What should I do in the meantime so 
> records don't have to be re-entered? 
> > 
> > Thanks! Hi-storian 
> > 
> > A new support case has been filed by Hi-storian 
> < <>>. 
> > 
> > Topic: Other 
> > URL: 
> > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 
> Firefox/44.0 
> > OL-username: Hi-storian 
> > 
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