gnome wrote:
> I've been running Xubuntu from an SD card since early January.  I have 
> never understood why an Xubuntu dual boot-on-SD option was not available 
> right from the start.  I don't understand why, amid all the talk about 
> Windows, there isn't more discussion of dual booting Ubuntu.  It's an 
> extremely obvious solution for people who need an ordinary filesystem on 
> an XO. 
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The matter of Windows booting off of an SD card came into the picture
because supposedly some governments have asked for it. However, booting
XP off the card is half the picture. The stack isn't complete unless
Windows runs Sugar. Along the same lines of argument, you could boot
into Ubuntu and then run Sugar. The end goal is to run Sugar (and
provide a constructionist environment for learning) and not Windows or
Ubuntu. Whether this will actually happen remains to be seen.

In fact, I would be curious to know if Ubuntu boots significantly faster
into X than the current Fedora+Sugar stack.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

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