On 11.02.2014 22:30, Colin Close wrote:
Hi All,
Here is the final list of failed packages for the latest mass build.


Please note that JAVA packages will be rebuilt separately perl and python 
packages which have link errors should rebuild without a problem.

I have noticed that some failures are marked as "ABF failures" erroneously. In particular, the following error:

The following package has to be removed for others to be upgraded:
 (in order to install python-2.7.5-3-omv2013.0.x86_64)

comes from some urpmi specifics. You can rebuild such packages as many times as you wish, but the error will not disappear:) We have discussed this quite long ago in cooker ML but since then nobody took a look at this behavior.

The easy solution is to replace "%py_requires -d" in spec files with "BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python)" (or python-devel). Actually this was already done for cooker packages, so it should be enough to backport changes to omv2014.


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