But lot of repos is not unusual: https://github.com/coreos

15.09.2016, 19:58, "Raphaël Jadot" <r...@hodo.fr>:
> Knowing that people don't necessarily understand the diff between
> https://github.com/OpenMandrivaAssociation
> https://github.com/OpenMandrivaSoftware
> 15.09.2016, 18:49, "Robert Xu" <rob...@gmail.com>:
>>  On a sidenote: we have a crap-ton of repositories in
>>  OpenMandrivaAssociation. I personally dislike that just because
>>  there's just _too much_ (also hard to distinguish repositories), but
>>  it should be noted that we should either disable issues on all those
>>  repositories or add them to waffle.io (see
>>  https://github.com/waffleio/waffle.io/issues/1814).
>>  Just because - how on earth are people going to find
>>  OpenMandrivaAssociation/OpenMandrivaLx when there are thousands of
>>  other repositories hiding it? (Ignoring just linking
>>  issues.openmandriva.org.)
>>  On 15 September 2016 at 12:43, Robert Xu <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>   A quick evaluation from my view:
>>>   Waffle.io provides only one board, but it imports all issues to the
>>>   board automatically. This might be messy now, but we can definitely
>>>   work with it (Inbox/Bugs/Requests/Backlog/In
>>>   Progress/Review/Release/Resolved).
>>>   I'm a little concerned about bug load, but we'll see how it works.
>>>   As for Github Projects, you can create multiple boards to work with
>>>   it. For example, you can create a board for every sprint. But for a
>>>   continuously evolving distribution like ours, this may not be a good
>>>   idea because it does not provide the option to automatically import
>>>   all issues to a board. This can limit us, especially when triaging
>>>   and/or maintaining tasks. (Also, I don't trust people to not "forget"
>>>   about the project management tool... again.)
>>>   Waffle.io seems like the safer option right now. We can re-evaluate
>>>   Github projects again later. (Like when Waffle integrated with it:
>>>   https://bot.waffle.io/)
>>>   I'd recommend that you try Github projects out yourself to figure out
>>>   if you like it better or not, and report back.
>>>   On 15 September 2016 at 12:00, Robert Xu <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>   It's already live at Github.com. I'll be evaluating it as well.
>>>>   On 15 Sep 2016 11:45, "Raphaël Jadot" <r...@hodo.fr> wrote:
>>>>>   Robert told about the fact that Github just annouced the new «projects»
>>>>>   service by github.
>>>>> https://github.com/blog/2256-a-whole-new-github-universe-announcing-new-tools-forums-and-features
>>>>>   Documentation is already there so it should not be long before it's
>>>>>   shipped.
>>>>> https://help.github.com/articles/tracking-the-progress-of-your-work-with-projects/
>>>>>   I agree Robert that if we could avoid navigating between different 
>>>>> sites,
>>>>>   it could be better, so I'd prefer using github projects instead. 
>>>>> Besides of
>>>>>   this, no objection.
>>>>>   15.09.2016, 13:14, "Colin Close" <itc...@compuserve.com>:
>>>>>   > During a discussion about the implementation of the RRL for 
>>>>> OpenMandriva
>>>>>   > the need for a project management tool was identified.
>>>>>   > Some thought that our current tool (OpenProject) was to complicated 
>>>>> for
>>>>>   > the purpose and an alternative online service called waffle.io was 
>>>>> suggested
>>>>>   > as a managment tool for this purpose.
>>>>>   > You can view information about this tool here
>>>>>   > 
>>>>> https://github.com/waffleio/waffle.io/wiki/Recommended-Workflow-Using-Pull-Requests
>>>>>   > A working version of the interface can be viewed here:-
>>>>>   > https://waffle.io/OpenMandrivaAssociation/OpenMandrivaLx
>>>>>   > The tool uses github fto provide some of it's functionality.
>>>>>   > There were too few people at the TC meeting for it to be quorate so a
>>>>>   > meaningful vote was not possible hence this cooker post which it is 
>>>>> hoped
>>>>>   > will allow those who were not present to express their views.
>>>>>   > If after two days there have been no serious objections the tool will 
>>>>> be
>>>>>   > considered adopted.
>>>>>   >
>>>>>   > _______________________________________________
>>>>>   > OM-Cooker mailing list
>>>>>   > OM-Cooker@ml.openmandriva.org
>>>>>   >
>>>>>   > 
>>>>> http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/listinfo/om-cooker_ml.openmandriva.org
>>>>>   --
>>>>>   Raphaël J.
>>>>>   _______________________________________________
>>>>>   OM-Cooker mailing list
>>>>>   OM-Cooker@ml.openmandriva.org
>>>>> http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/listinfo/om-cooker_ml.openmandriva.org
>>>   --
>>>   cheers, Robert :: rxu.io
>>  --
>>  cheers, Robert :: rxu.io
>>  _______________________________________________
>>  OM-Cooker mailing list
>>  OM-Cooker@ml.openmandriva.org
>>  http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/listinfo/om-cooker_ml.openmandriva.org
> --
> Raphaël J.
> _______________________________________________
> OM-Cooker mailing list
> OM-Cooker@ml.openmandriva.org
> http://ml.openmandriva.org/mailman/listinfo/om-cooker_ml.openmandriva.org

Raphaël J.

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