Thanks Rugyada,
I think I know what the problem is. In you setup you uncheck auto-login this is 
probably the difference between my installs and yours.
You uncheck auto-login in Calamares so it does exactly what it says it will do. 
I don't know whether sddm requires some of the directories 
that are created by xdg at the first login but I wouldn't mind betting that it 
does and so it's unable to start until you have run LXQt.
I'll do a test install and see if I can reproduce the problem now.

On Monday, 2 January 2017 23:10:05 GMT rugyada wrote:
> This is 749.
> At reboot after install, the usual black screen.
> - login as my user in VT
> - startx /usr/bin/startlxqt for LXQt desktop - which I feel it's
> better choice for user's /home folders creation instead of plasma
> - systemsettings > Startup and Shutdown > SDDM > Advanced
> Here I have found Faisafe Xsession as default session and Auto Login
> checked (where in calamares I always uncheck autologin).
> - changed Failsafe into Plasma
> - logout
> - login with plasma
> Working.

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