Packagers --

Heads up: we just released 2.1.4 on Friday, but unrelated to that release, we 
found a fairly serious bug in our shared memory plugin (the "vader" BTL).

We anticipate doing a 2.1.5 release in the immediate future, and will likely do 
a 3.1.2 release very shortly as well.  Here's the full list...

* 2.0.x series

If you have any 2.0.x version, you should upgrade to 2.1.5 (it's the first one 
with a fully-functional "vader").

* 2.1.x series

If you have any 2.1.x version, you should upgrade to 2.1.5.

We thought that 2.1.4 was going to be the last in this series, but this vader 
bug is serious enough to warrant a 2.1.5.  2.1.5 will almost certainly be the 
last in this release series.

* 3.0.x series

If you have 3.0.0, you need to upgrade to at least 3.0.1 (3.0.1, released in 
March 2018, and 3.0.2 are ok).

* 3.1.x series

If you have any 3.1.x version, you need to upgrade to 3.1.2 (expected to be 
released shortly).

The 3.1.2 series was always planned -- but we had anticipated it to be in 
September.  This vader bug warranted pulling in that release date to August.

If it is difficult for you to upgrade on short order, we can send you the 
patch: it's a 2-line fix.  Probably very easy to apply to your existing 

Jeff Squyres

ompi-packagers mailing list

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