Apologies if I am misreading this -- it seems like interposing at least some 
layer of mediation in front of "raw" OpenStack calls is a pretty clear 
requirement for R1.  

If that's already covered in MultiVIM,  then would the question be more about 
minimizing technical debt due to non-future-proof  workflows or other tooling?


> On Jun 27, 2017, at 3:55 PM, DeWayne Filppi <dewa...@gigaspaces.com> wrote:
> I'd say the ideal would be for the MSO/SO to not directly call VIM APIs, but 
> would not want to jeopardize the SO project based on an external dependency 
> that frankly isn't necessary to reach the use case goal for R1.  Just my 2 
> cents.
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