Dear Hui,

First of all, let's assume that all people participating in the discussions do 
understand what they are talking about. I strongly believe such a respectful 
behavior will help to reach consensus, which is our common goal.

Secondly, let's look on the presentation provided by Vimal. There is a key 
difference between the slide 2 (current R2+ view) and the slide 3 (Desired 
Integrated view). This difference is in having an integrated "Standard & sVNFM 
Adaption Layer" on slide 3. I believe our discussion should be concentrated on 
this and other differences, their pros and cons, and overall involved modules' 
functionalities, depending on those architecture alternatives.
I suggest we continue these discussions during next week's virtual meeting.

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: denghui (L) []
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2017 1:52 PM
To: Alla Goldner <>; Pasi Vaananen 
Cc: onap-tsc <>
Subject: RE: [onap-discuss] Architecture Progress

Hi all

I guess that people are confusing about the interface of VNF  with ONAP 
Interface between VNF and ONAP is quite simple : Heat(ECOMP) or TOSCA(OPEN-O), 
it has nothing with architecture discussion.

I agree with Chris's suggestion here, either you need to understand the 
implementation or join architecture call.

Best regards,


[] On Behalf Of Alla Goldner
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Pasi Vaananen <<>>;<>
Cc: onap-tsc <<>>
Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] Architecture Progress

Hi Pasi, Jamil, Chris, all,

I fully agree with Pasi's view.
When we started this work ,the assumption was that whatever our merged 
architecture will look like internally, we should deliver a single set of 
interfaces between the VNFs and ONAP.
And this is not what we are having right now with R1 proposed architecture.
Also, indeed, if we allow interfaces' divergence for R1, it is going to be hard 
to reverse later. One possible outcome is that some of VNF vendors would want 
to wait until the divergences are resolved. The other possible outcome is that 
we continue proceeding with 2 different tracks within ONAP - one coming from 
Open-O and the other one coming from ecomp, and each one of VNF vendors making 
a decision which track they want/need to support, in some cases having a need 
to support both thus doubling the effort. The latter is clearly not the optimal 
way forward, and not what we want to achieve with ONAP, we should try to see 
how we avoid it at least in a longer term, in my view. The former may be 
significantly improved and timelines may be shortened, if we manage to work on 
it effectively now and provide the shortest path to get there from the current 
state - and Vimal's proposal of target merged architecture looks like a great 
step towards it, preserving all functionality coming from APPC and VF-C, but 
making a single set of external interfaces. I think we should give a very high 
priority to those discussions and handle them now, in parallel to R1 work.

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


[] On Behalf Of Pasi Vaananen
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] Architecture Progress

Hi Jamil,

In ONAP F2F in New Jersey, there was what I thought was "agreement" that there 
is to be only one set of VNFDs / interfaces for ONAP. If that is strictly 
enforced (like I think it should be, as these collectively form the "interface" 
between the VNF vendors and ONAP - if the overlap would be e.g. on NS level 
descriptors, it would not be as bad, as those could be considered to be system 
internal and therefore not as much of inter-operability problem), then having 
two parallel implementations means that they would need to do exactly the same 
things, and be essentially "indistinguishable" from each other even on their 
behaviors associated with these descriptors and interfaces.

Obviously, strict enforcement of this would imply about 100% overlap on the 
associated development, testing, etc. activities (minus any sharing of code 
between the teams). And, in addition, coordination between the two teams to 
accomplish the required level of agreement in absence of the independent / 
detailed specification that is to be implemented, which would further slow 
things down.

If ONAP community chooses to allow divergence here for r1, it is going to be 
hard to reverse later (assuming that someone would pick sides and actually 
deploy the result - more likely outcome is that VNF vendors would want to wait 
until the divergences are resolved, i.e. R2 at the earliest per current 
"plan"). It is also going to be difficult to "push back" on e.g. ETSI and OASIS 
on descriptors etc. if ONAP community itself cant get into one opinion on what 
to push.

I like Vimal's "Target Merged Architecture" slide #3 at high level - what is 
the shortest path to get there from the current state ?



On 07/21/2017 03:09 PM,<> 
Hi Chris
I have participated partially to the last 2 meetings, my position was 
represented by Vimal. We need time to analyse the output before to take a 
position and as you know the subcommittee is consultative and we need to 
discuss the output in the TSC.
I think we have clearly Identified overlap between 2 approches and there is a 
high risk to not have a useful Rel-1 as we have many changes  on the technical 
components in addition to 2 different VNF guidelines.


Le 21 juil. 2017 à 20:17, Christopher Donley (Chris) 
<<>> a écrit :
Dear Jamil,

I'd like to invite you to participate in our ARC calls.  We generally meet 
Tuesdays from 1400-1600 UTC (but we'll have to adjust next week due to the 
developer meeting).  We have considered multiple presentations over the last 
four weeks (including the one you referenced), and after careful discussion, we 
aligned on the release 1 and release 2 functional architecture I shared.  I 
held consensus checks on each of the last two calls and did not hear dissenting 
opinions from the high level approach. The version of the diagram that I shared 
represents the community consensus from Tuesday's call.  If you have concerns, 
please share them during the meeting. I'll be happy to reserve a slot on the 


Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 8:59 AM
To: Christopher Donley (Chris) 
Subject: RE: Architecture Progress

Dear Chris
Thank you for your work and the presentation, we can say that this is a first 
step but we have not agreed on the architecture mentioned in your slide as 
Vimal presented another architecture (consigned by AT&T, Amdocs and Orange).

De :<> 
[] De la part de Christopher Donley 
Envoyé : jeudi 20 juillet 2017 22:05
À :<>;<>
Cc :<>
Objet : [onap-tsc] Architecture Progress

Dear ONAP Technical Community,

I'd like to update you on progress from the Architecture Committee.

*        For Amsterdam, we agreed to use the current architecture, as discussed 
since ONS.  This is to reduce risk of late changes to the project teams, who 
have built their plans based on the current baseline.

*        Longer-term, starting with Release 2, we reached consensus on an 
approach to resolve the APP-C/VF-C challenge.  We are developing a three-layer 
orchestrator/controller functional architecture, with service 
orchestration/resource orchestration/controllers.  Note that this functional 
architecture does not imply a project structure.  Between now and the beginning 
of the R2 planning cycle, the team will drill down to the next level of detail 
on interfaces and project alignment, and then the projects will map code into 
the architecture to guide R2 plans. Cross-project discussions have already 
begun, and will continue over the coming weeks.  Meeting logistics will be sent 
to the ONAP-discuss email list for those who are interested in participating.

I have attached a set of diagrams that we reviewed in the Architecture 
Committee to illustrate both the R1 and R2 architecture.  Note that in the R2 
slide, since we are focused on the functional architecture and not the 
projects, we removed some of the boxes listing projects that support ONAP, but 
don't provide interfaces or data flows through the system.

For those interested in more detail, we will discuss this during the developer 
meeting next week.



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