Look at the ServiceInstance java class in API-handler-infra bundle, it s
the Class definining the vf/vnf/serviceInstance endpoint CRUD operations.
So VID calls end up in there. Then there is a function that does the lookup
in mariadb using the service recipe table, matching on the name (look at
MSO API documentation) ( in the release-1.0.0 branch it's always returning
VID_DEFAULT). From there it retrieves the recipe, using the ID, and in the
receipt table, you have the bpmn endpoint.

HTH, MSO folks might provide a more accurate answer though.


Le mardi 1 août 2017, 진귀언 <ge....@samsung.com> a écrit :

> Hello All, I trying to analyze ONAP code. but it overwhelme me by the size
> and complexity. but i really want to know ONAP. I would like discuss only
> about instantiation VNF and SO at this time because ONAP have many
> functionality. How does call flow from VID to SO for Instantiation VNF? i
> want to know instantiate call flow in code level. 1. How does "API handler"
> in SO handles instantion request from VID? where is entry point in API
> handler? 2. How to execute BPMN recipe according to API handler? Best
> Regards, Gwuieon.
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