Alexis, Michael,

I was using robot from amsterdam release and the version of 
asdc_interface.robot in dockerdata-nfs was out of date.
I cant seem to find where it got loaded from since the asdc_interface.robot 
wasn't compatible with the robot testsuite (the return parameter list from 
Model Distribution in the testsuite didnt match the number returns by the 
asdc-interface so an error of "16:03:12.828     FAIL       Cannot set 
variables: Expected 6 return values, got 5.
" was being returned for each model that was distributed. The models did 
successful distrubte but robot was failing on the check. When I did a git clone 
and copy the asdc_interface.robot to the dockerdata-nfs directory for robot distribute succeeded.

Is this just something I did in using -b amsterdam or something else ?


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