Hi Kang & ONAPers,

I am working to bring up the stack on VIO for GenInfra VNF as part of vCPE use 
Currently I am doing that directly using openstack stack create command. I will 
try all VNFs in vCPE in this way first and then stitch together a service in 
ONAP portal.
Currently when deploying GenInfra VNF I got the following error:

ERROR: Property error: : resources.vdhcp_private_0_port.properties.network: : 
Error validating value ' zdfw1cpe01_public ': Unable to find network with name 
or id ' zdfw1cpe01_public'

So I added zdfw1cpe01_public Network in my project. But then I got the 
following error:

ERROR: Property error: : resources.vdhcp_private_0_port.properties.network: : 
Error validating value 'zdfw1cpe01_private': Unable to find network with name 
or id 'zdfw1cpe01_private'

Seems like the networks don't get created as part of stack creation.
So I just wanted to know the reason behind this difference between vCPE and 
vFW/vLB templates.
I believe that this must have been discussed in the vCPE community meetings. 
But if you could be so generous and reply back with a short description to my 

With Best Regards,
Arun Arora
onap-discuss mailing list

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