
What’s the saying?  If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go 

You’re right that there are risks to having an open membership. The alternative 
is to impose restrictions such as the number of participants per company.  
However, that could leave some ideas out of the conversation, and foster 
mistrust in people who are not invited to participate.  My preference is to err 
on the side of openness, and impose limitations down the road if the committee 
becomes unwieldy. I want to set the right note at the beginning that we value 
community input and transparency, and are not making decisions in the 
proverbial smoke-filled room. (Also why I’m proposing this as an advisory body 
and not a decision making body).

My experience is that some people will be more interested in architecture than 
others, and people will self-select.  I expect that we would see a fairly 
stable core group, and others who come and go based on the topic. Yes, in 
OPEN-O, some people opted out.  We regularly had about 30 people attending 
(+/-), compared to 45 or so who showed up on TSC calls and 100+ contributing to 
the codebase.   Generally, about 10 people were active participants.  I don’t 
know how many people from ONAP will want to join - so far, about 10 have 
reached out to me.  I expect we’ll have more step forward if this proposal is 
approved and we have an open call for participation.

You could  have architecture discussions outside of the subcommittee, but it 
becomes difficult for people to know when or where conversations are taking 
place, and many such conversations de facto become private.  I think having a 
defined forum helps build trust in the community.

As with other aspects of open source communities, the architecture subcommittee 
would be contribution-driven.  I expect that the chair would schedule regular 
meetings, solicit contributions for particular topics, and publish an agenda in 
advance.  People who have a contribution or question could schedule a slot on 
the agenda.


From: Haiby, Ranny (Nokia - US/San Jose USA) [mailto:ranny.ha...@nokia.com]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 11:33 AM
To: Alla Goldner; Christopher Donley (Chris); SPATSCHECK, OLIVER (OLIVER); 
Cc: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org
Subject: RE: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee


I am having a hard time figuring out the difference between an architecture 
subcommittee member and a “plain” member of the community. Architectural 
discussions take place in the community on a regular basis and they are open to 
all. With the current definition of the subcommittee I don’t think any member 
of the community will opt-out for participation. I am missing some kind of 
required commitment from subcommittee members. Unless some commitment is 
involved (meeting participations, contributions to documentations, etc.) I 
hardly see how we can have an efficient subcommittee in a community as large as 

What was your experience in Open-O? What was the size of the subcommittee? Did 
any community member opt-out?

Would love to hear your thought on that matter.


From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org [mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] 
On Behalf Of Alla Goldner
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 10:47 AM
To: Christopher Donley (Chris) <christopher.don...@huawei.com>; SPATSCHECK, 
OLIVER (OLIVER) <spat...@research.att.com>; aayush.bhatna...@ril.com
Cc: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

+1, as also provided by my previous response to Aayush.

Architecture subcommittee, if created, should not deal with any specific 
architecture requirements, which are up to release/project to define.
Architecture subcommittee should review interactions between a different 
components/modules per defined Release goals, i.e. be responsible to validate 
whether e2e architecture across all modules is correct, whether all necessary 
interactions are covered etc.. It may also propose a new project, if gaps are 
identified, but it will be up to community to create such a project and up to 
TSC to approve/reject it.

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: Christopher Donley (Chris) [mailto:christopher.don...@huawei.com]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 8:38 PM
Cc: Alla Goldner <alla.gold...@amdocs.com<mailto:alla.gold...@amdocs.com>>; 
Kanagaraj Manickam 
Subject: RE: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

+1.  The architecture subcommittee should NOT put gating requirements on any 
projects. Projects should be responsible for their own release plans and 
resources. I want to stress that my proposal is for an advisory committee, not 
a controlling committee. Specifically, the architecture subcommittee doesn’t 
have the power to make decisions or vote.  By Charter, that is solely the 
purview of the TSC. If decisions need to be made, such issues will be brought 
to the TSC.

The architecture subcommittee is advisory by nature, and not authoritative. It 
may provide advice to projects and to the TSC, such as by providing a forum to 
help resolve architectural questions that may arise.

The subcommittee should help to set a target functional architecture for the 
community (but not mandate it). That target may move over time, and it may take 
projects more than one release to catch up to it.  Scoping would be the 
responsibility of each project.  I also think there should be room for 
innovation. If a team has a good idea that would change the functional 
architecture, we may want to consider it.  I believe having a consensus target 
and a defined forum helps facilitate those conversations.

In the draft release plan, there is a checkpoint between functionality freeze 
and API freeze for an architecture check.  I think that would be a good spot 
for the architecture subcommittee to schedule a walk-through with each project 
to discuss the handoffs between each component to identify any gaps so that 
teams have time to respond prior to API freeze.  The subcommittee should be 
asking questions, not dictating answers.


From: SPATSCHECK, OLIVER (OLIVER) [mailto:spat...@research.att.com]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 6:42 AM
To: aayush.bhatna...@ril.com<mailto:aayush.bhatna...@ril.com>
Cc: GOLDNER, ALLA; Kanagaraj Manickam; 
bob.monk...@arm.com<mailto:bob.monk...@arm.com>; Christopher Donley (Chris); 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

Don’t get my comment wrong I am in full support of an architecture 
subcommittee. I am somewhat worried on scope and process though.

If the architecture team can put release gating requirements on the project as 
outlined below (maybe I didn’t understand that correctly …) what is the process 
to ensure that they are realistic in the next release (enough resources 
available in the project) and align with the priorities of the volunteers in 
the projects which do the  work.  If they don’t they won’t get implemented and 
we don’t have a release.

I thought release features are worked by the projects.

It always worries me if you separate the decision process from the resources as 
without resources even the best decision has no value.


On May 12, 2017, at 2:01 AM, 
aayush.bhatna...@ril.com<mailto:aayush.bhatna...@ril.com> wrote:

+1 for the subcommittee formation.

Additional proposal on the deliverables of the architectural subcommittee -

- Create the deployment architecture for ONAP especially for multi-DC VNF 
orchestration. This aspect is important as ONAP components such as the DCAE 
follow an edge-lake architecture which becomes relevant only when we visualize 
a multi-site deployment.

- Define the architectural principles of disaster recovery (DR) orchestrated by 
the MSO and Policy Engine for VNFs.


From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
<onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org>> on 
behalf of Alla Goldner <alla.gold...@amdocs.com<mailto:alla.gold...@amdocs.com>>
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 10:29 AM
To: Kanagaraj Manickam; Bob Monkman; Christopher Donley (Chris); onap-tsc
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee


According to the Charter,

It is expected that subcommittee membership shall be open to all ONAP 
Contributors; however,
subcommittees may impose restrictions such as the number of participants from a 
single company.
While the desire may be to keep its size and scope limited, each subcommittee 
shall be open to the
ONAP membership. In particular, a Platinum member has the right to appoint its 
TSC representative or
a designate to such a subcommittee. Also, all elected TSC members are eligible 
to join a subcommittee

Thus, I guess, this one will follow the same rules.

Best regards,

Alla Goldner

Open Network Division
Amdocs Technology


From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Kanagaraj Manickam
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 2:55 AM
To: Bob Monkman <bob.monk...@arm.com<mailto:bob.monk...@arm.com>>; Christopher 
Donley (Chris) 
<christopher.don...@huawei.com<mailto:christopher.don...@huawei.com>>; onap-tsc 
Subject: Re: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

IMHO, its really an important and critical team for onap community to ride in 
right path and to maintain the integrity of onap projects as a whole. so would 
like to suggest an idea to systematically handle it as below

- should we consider architecture as a project, which will have ptl, committers 
and any contributors and importantly git repository. so that we formalize the 
approval process of the given change in onap architecture.
-  instead of ppt format, should we  use uml and store it in XML in git 
repository for architecture diagram and use some tool automate the creation of 
architecture diagram from XML
- as part of it, could we bring approval process for nbi and sbi of each 
component of architecture as well.
- in addition, should integration project  automate the validation of nbi and 
sbi of  the project deliverable whether it meets the approved ones by 
architecture committee, who already had committed the nbi and sbi in 
architecture git repository in the appropriate form like one of   yang, 
swagger, etc. interoperability will be taken care by this way.

this end2end process will govern the integrity of onap architecture as a whole.

and i am not sure, but it could bring opportunities to non tsc member as a 
committer in architecture project☺ for bringing his(er) expertise to onap.

your thoughts.
Kanagaraj M
From:Bob Monkman
To:Christopher Donley (Chris),onap-tsc,
Date:2017-05-12 00:44:28
Subject:Re: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

+1  😊

Robert (Bob) Monkman
Networking Software Strategy & Ecosystem Programs
150 Rose Orchard Way
San Jose, Ca 95134
M: +1.510.676.5490
Skype: robert.monkman

From: Christopher Donley (Chris) [mailto:christopher.don...@huawei.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 12:03 PM
To: Bob Monkman <bob.monk...@arm.com<mailto:bob.monk...@arm.com>>; 
Subject: RE: Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee


I propose that it’s open to anyone, regardless of membership level (if any).


From: Bob Monkman [mailto:bob.monk...@arm.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 11:32 AM
To: Christopher Donley (Chris); 
Subject: RE: Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

Chris, TSC,
              Can Silver members put forth a representative to contribute to 
the architecture subcommittee, or will this be only available to TSC members or 
representatives from member companies of a certain level?

              This would seem to be to be a very important step for ONAP, btw. 
Very helpful to the success of this project.

Robert (Bob) Monkman
Networking Software Strategy & Ecosystem Programs
150 Rose Orchard Way
San Jose, Ca 95134
M: +1.510.676.5490
Skype: robert.monkman

From: onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org> 
[mailto:onap-tsc-boun...@lists.onap.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Donley (Chris)
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 10:53 AM
To: onap-tsc@lists.onap.org<mailto:onap-tsc@lists.onap.org>
Subject: [onap-tsc] Proposal: Architecture Subcommittee

Dear TSC,
I'd like to propose the formation of an architecture subcommittee to develop 
and maintain a functional architecture for ONAP.

Please see the details below.


• TSC subcommittee name:
Architecture Subcommittee (ARC)

• TSC subcommittee purpose:
The architecture subcommittee is responsible for developing and maintaining a 
functional ONAP architecture. This functional architecture helps inform 
relationships and interaction between functional modules, which may include 
high level information flows between the modules supporting the use case(s) 
driving each release. It also helps the community with project proposals by 
clarifying the new project relationship with existing components.
The architecture subcommittee will not make decisions regarding internal 
functioning of projects.

The architecture subcommittee is advisory by nature, and not authoritative. It 
may provide advice to projects and to the TSC, such as by providing a forum to 
help resolve architectural questions that may arise.

The architecture subcommittee operates on a rough consensus basis.  If the 
subcommittee is unable to reach consensus on what advice to offer, the 
subcommittee will refer the matter to the TSC or inform the project that advice 
cannot be rendered.

The architecture subcommittee will consult with Projects to help drive 
alignment between components and with the functional architecture.

• TSC subcommittee expected deliverables:
The architecture subcommittee will develop and maintain a functional 
architecture diagram and any explanatory material.

Periodically, or midway through a release, the architecture subcommittee will 
schedule a walk-through with each project to understand API interactions 
between components.

• TSC subcommittee starting participants:
The architecture subcommittee is open to all interested participants, and 
meetings are open.
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