Hi Patrick,

The easiest way is to use the Eclipse Installer ( https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_Installer ), there switch to the advanced mode, pick a product, *on the second page* select the Oomph *project*, and continue through the installer wizard. You should end up with exactly the same IDE and workspace that we use ourselves to develop Oomph.



Am 20.01.2016 um 21:52 schrieb Patrick Pollo Guilbert:
Hi Oomph dev team,

Is there any wiki page/guide that could help me setup my development environment to contribute to Oomph? I'm not very familiar with Eclipse plugins development and I'm having difficulties building/running the Oomph installer from the gerrit repo with a clean clone.

I'm not asking for something as in-depth or complicated as Trace Compass <https://wiki.eclipse.org/Trace_Compass/Development_Environment_Setup> or Egit <https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/Contributor_Guide#Builds> but anything would be helpful at the moment.

Thank you!


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