Um, so where would that and other thoughts be on-topic?  I have many thoughts 
about on-/off-line help bridging too.  Is this the ooo-issues list.  (I really 
must catch up on my reading of the groundrules here.)

I take it that the on-line help is under Oracle copyright and can be/has been 
licensed by Oracle then?

What do you mean by one wiki for both the project and the product?  I am always 
concerned that non-developing users, even power users have collaborative 
resources that work in the context of their needs and interests.

 - Dennis

PS [Wishing we didn't use MoinMoin for a public-participative wiki and 
especially for documentation, but maybe there is other Apache tooling that 
saves us from MoinMoin awkwardness.]

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Peters [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:15
Subject: Re: Wiki for the project

[ ... ]

Why don't we start an Apache wiki with podling activities and
work on preparing the migration of data from the current
wiki. It would also be a good opportunity to do some
housekeeping there. We would finally end up with one
wiki for both the project and the product.

[ ... ]

Online help originally is LGPL since it is part of the
source tree. I have been involved in both the help XML format
and the help authoring framework that was mentioned in another
thread, so I'd be happy to help out here as well.

One thing we need to consider is the cost of localization
of the application help (around 400k words), so we should
carefully balance cost for the project vs benefit to the user.

My favorite way to go would be having core help with the bits
and "extended" help online, but that is off-topic here.


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