I'd say, generally, that this is partly a vanity/affinity e-mail domain, just 
as The Documentation Foundation is preparing to do for libreoffice.org 
(although I think you'll have to be a TDF Member to get one, not sure how high 
that bar will be).  It's like my @acm.org, @computer.org (when I had it), or my 
college alumnus .org. Except about as easy as @facebook.com, @gmail.com, etc.

I hadn't thought about all of the places that people may have provided their 
openoffice.org email addresses in their profiles, forum sigs, etc.  I just 
logged on to the site and I notice it asks for either an Username OR email 
address along with the password I had assigned myself.

The wiki has a different username and password (and no click-through agreement 
that I recall seeing when I registered the other day).

The English user forum does have a terms of use, not mentioning the overall 
site terms though.  

Although I can choose an Username, it looks like the email address is the 
biggie.  Hah, I have to indicate which version of OO.o I am running on what 
system before I am allowed to complete the registration.  The Signature entry 
is scanned to ensure I've done that.  It is filtered and becomes part of my 
signature on Forum posts.  They are doing an e-mail confirmation too.

So more about what is on forums, what people are currently clicked-through, and 
the use of email addresses tied to accounts and possibly visible in profiles.

 - Dennis


At the user forum (where I just started a signup) *all* it says I am agreeing 
to with regard to my contribution is this: 

"As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a 
database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party 
without your consent, neither “OpenOffice.org Community Forum” nor phpBB shall 
be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being 

There is no license mention other than to point out that phpBB is made 
available under the GPL.  The URI is 
http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/ucp.php?mode=register and its 
title is "Register * User Control Panel"  

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Fisher [mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 14:00
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Oh, let's not forget @openoffice.org too

On Jun 20, 2011, at 1:14 PM, Herbert Duerr wrote:

> On 20.06.2011 14:33, Rob Weir wrote:
>> I'm having difficulty reconciling the openoffice.org email forwarding
>> service with how Apache projects work.
>> [...]
>> And remember, committers are given email forwards via an a.o email
>> address.  So there is no functional requirement that I can see for an
>> OOo address, other than the conventional postmaster and admin
>> addresses.
>> So I'd favor ending the OOo email forwarding.
> This would be very bad for e.g. issue tracking. I'm not sure how the 
> bugtracker database will get imported though. I think it would be useful if 
> the issue reporters, owners or people who put themselves on the CC list of an 
> issue could see the progress of their favourite tasks. The openoffice.org 
> addresses were used e.g. for notifications or for attributing an issue 
> comment to a user.

We certainly need a plan that does not simply stop openoffice.org email.

We certainly need to make decisions based on all the email lists that currently 
exist - which apache.org or other mailing list is the replacement.

For notifications about issues both JIRA and Bugzilla can be set to notify the 
proper apache.org mailing list.

Does anyone have a handle on the numbers?

How many mailing lists are there at openoffice.org?

How many individual forwards do we have?

It would help to have some data before discussing with Infrastructure what they 
are willing to support and when.

>> The alternative would be to continue this service, but that begs the
>> question of who is permitted such an address, what such an address
>> means, who decides and what criteria are used to decide who gets such
>> an address?
> In the old project everybody who wanted to e.g. add a detail to an issue 
> could get such an address within a few minutes. This is similar to how many 
> other projects work, e.g. KDE.

So, ANYONE could get an openoffice.org email alias for their real email address?

And there must be infrastructure to be able to change that email address and 
cancel it as well.

Messy, the bugzilla transition is therefore entangled with how we deal with 

Does this personal openoffice.org email forwarding also entangle with the user 
forum transitions?


> Best regards,
> Herbert Duerr

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