On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Christian Grobmeier
<grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OOO uses (or will use in future) the ASL 2.0 license,
>> OOO is LGPLv3, the AOO fork will be ASL2
> To my knowledge the OOo trademark will be transferred to the ASF (or
> is already?).
> Therefore I would not say this project is a fork of OOo, it is OOo. No?
>>> LO uses the GPL (copyleft license)
>> LO use LGPLv3 and some of it is dual licensed LGPLv3+ and MPL

It matters not.

Furthermore, the common base was made available under a number of
licenses, not just LGPLv3.

There are now (or soon will be) two actively maintained branches of
this common code base.

>> Norbert

- Sam Ruby

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