On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Christian Grobmeier
<grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OOO uses (or will use in future) the ASL 2.0 license,
>> OOO is LGPLv3, the AOO fork will be ASL2
> To my knowledge the OOo trademark will be transferred to the ASF (or
> is already?).
> Therefore I would not say this project is a fork of OOo, it is OOo. No?

"Eric Raymond, in his seminal essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar,[1]
stated in 1997 that "The most important characteristic of a fork is
that it spawns competing projects that cannot later exchange code,
splitting the potential developer community"."

So, since OOo and LO have compatible license that allow code exchange
and AOO won't, then it seems that that qualify as a 'fork' of OOo.


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