Am 07/03/2011 07:43 AM, schrieb C:
On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 06:29, Graham Lauder<>  wrote:
On Sat, 2011-07-02 at 12:57 -0700, Dave Fisher wrote:
Some projects are huge and others small. I downloaded several:

wave@minotaur:~/ooo-test$ ls -1

The size is 2.7GB.

It would be good to come up with a scripted way to convert existing webcontent 
to either mdtext, an altered html, or specialized javascript and css. It is 
likely we can adapt the content and use the Apache CMS to wrap a standard 

Regards, Dave

Much of what is on there is legacy material that could be seriously
pruned.  For instance all the old Marketing material that is V2.0 and
earlier could be deleted.

Argument could be made for the marketing material to start from scratch.
Personally I'd like to see a whole new branding and get shot of the old
stuff, make the first Apache release: V4.0 (Historically, significant
global change has meant a whole number change in the version: V2 new
codebase, V3 Apple compatibility. I think this is significant enough:
pre V4 = LGPL license, V4 and later = ALV2)  From a marketing POV it
gives us a handle to hang a campaign on.

The majority of the documentation project content is not really stored
in the stuff that was downloaded in this test.  What you find in the
web-content side is pretty much just pointers to the Wiki plus a few
files here and there that are not in the Wiki.

I would much more prefer that when the time comes to migrate content
of the documentation directory, that I simply tag which files are to
be transferred and the rest are pruned.  I have spent time cleaning up
what's there, but there are still 10 years of legacy things still
laying about, not used anymore.... stuff that should not be copied

I know that many things are simply outdated and could be deleted easily without loosing value. However, when we grab the content from the Oracle server, look into the content, and then decide if to take over and publish or modify or delete, then we we have much to do and a longer time no real content on our websites.

So, I would prefer to take over all content and make it public *) . Then we can go through the content and add/modify/delete/whatever part-by-part.

*) After the license problems are solved.

My 2 ct


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