On Jul 2, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Raphael Bircher wrote:

> Am 03.07.11 01:30, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>> On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Raphael Bircher<r.birc...@gmx.ch>  wrote:
>>> Am 02.07.11 23:41, schrieb Kay Schenk:
>>>  OUCH! see below...
>>>> On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Dave Fisher<dave2w...@comcast.net>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>  Yesterday I got tired of the look of people.mdtext in the project site.
>>>>> It
>>>>> was so 1990s. So, I've improved the look via css and adding defined
>>>>> widths.
>>>>> I guess I am volunteering for the item on
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**Help+Wanted<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Help+Wanted>
>>>>> Several of us have been surveying the existing openoffice.org website on
>>>>> several wiki pages mostly linked to from:
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**Site-PPMC-Plan<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Site-PPMC-Plan>
>>>>> With over 140 "projects" in openoffice.org, it will be important to
>>>>> agree
>>>>> to a mapping which reduces the granularity by more than an order of
>>>>> magnitude. The page 
>>>>> http://projects.openoffice.**org/<http://projects.openoffice.org/>is a 
>>>>> good and clear
>>>>> way to start - and pretty much fits the structure on
>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**
>>>>> Project+Planning<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Project+Planning>
>>>>         • Product Development
>>>>>        • Extension Development
>>>>>        • Language Support
>>>>>        • Helping Users
>>>>>        • Distribution
>>>>>        • Promotion
>>>>> I think that these groupings will help us easily have a rule about which
>>>>> projects end up on http://openoffice.apache.org/ or stay on the
>>>>> successor
>>>>> http://*.openoffice.org/.
>>>>> Projects have "webcontent" and/or "wiki" content. On openoffice.orgthere
>>>>> is a generally consistent look. There are exceptions which are marketing
>>>>> sites like http://why.openoffice.org/. The difference is glaring because
>>>>> that is the first big button on the main site.
>>>>> Webcontent is available via svn - "svn co
>>>>> https://svn.openoffice.org/**svn/${project}~webcontent<https://svn.openoffice.org/svn/$%7Bproject%7D%7Ewebcontent>${project}"
>>>>>  (Thanks
>>>>> Marcus Lange)
>>>>  Some projects are huge and others small. I downloaded several:
>>>>>  I think "infrastructure" which is the project for all aspects dealing
>>>> with
>>>> the development of the old web site itself could be thrown out completely,
>>>> since, ta da, here we are in a new environment. And, much of that is VERY
>>>> old. Ditto for much of the "download" area which goes back to the
>>>> non-mirrors age.
>>> The problem is, that we have many dead pages on the SVN. At Collabnet we
>>> haven't the right to delete pages from the CVS. So many many unused site is
>>> still on the SVN but you won't find it over the OOo webpage.
>>>  It might be useful to take the domains list....
>>>>  https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**
>>>> OpenOffice+Domains<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/OpenOffice+Domains>
>>>> and see what can be combined into your suggested categories below.  Maybe
>>>> we
>>>> could start something like this as a seperate item off the "To Do" list on
>>>> the OOo-sitemap page. Oddly, some of these actual "virtual domains" are
>>>> really part of the main website -- web~webcontent.
>>> I have already done a sitemap for all projects. It's only 4 month old. I do
>>> this sitemap for the kenai migration. I will upload the list. It's a line
>>> separated textfile.
>>>  The following page needs more fleshing out:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**OOo-Sitemap<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/OOo-Sitemap>
>>>>  wave@minotaur:~/ooo-test$ ls -1
>>>>> development
>>>>> documentation
>>>>> download
>>>>> projects
>>>>> www
>>>>> The size is 2.7GB.
>>>>> It would be good to come up with a scripted way to convert existing
>>>>> webcontent to either mdtext, an altered html, or specialized javascript
>>>>> and
>>>>> css. It is likely we can adapt the content and use the Apache CMS to wrap
>>>>> a
>>>>> standard skeleton.
>>>>>  Yes we need a script, but I think the Script can only do basic work. The
>>> OOo Page is not so easy as it looks. Ther are many special features on the
>>> kenai framework, and a load of JavaScript. I agree with Kai that we have to
>>> be verry carefull.
>>> Greatings Raphael
>>> --
>>> My private Homepage: http://www.raphaelbircher.ch/
>> OK, a totally different thought/approach.
>> I think it might be easier in the long run to migrate the entire current OOo
>> site in total (well except for maybe a few areas/projects) and deal with the
>> revamping/reorg on a longer term basis -- culling out a bit at a time.
>> I think trying to deal with this NOW will considerably slow site migration
>> down, maybe even prevent it altogether and will considerably upset existing
>> users I think.
>> The biggest problem with this alternate approach, well really ANY approach,
>> is that folks that formerly had commit rights to sites, won't, because they
>> aren't committers. And now, with the (somewhat) recent migration to kenai,
>> it's a bit difficult to tell what was going on before that.
>> We should definitely think long term about migrating nearly all project home
>> pages to a wiki for easier maintenance. I think much of this had already
>> happened in actuality. People didn't want to deal with cvs/svn or anything
>> even remotely "techie" to participate.
> Ther is a webbased CMS on Apache at http://cms.apache.org . Well it's not a 
> rich CMS, but you can edit a page without using SVN and Command Line. I think 
> cause the performance, a static page as main page is not a bad idea. Markdown 
> is much easier as html and as I said above, you don't have to deal with svn 
> for normal maintenance.
> The problem that not all content developer has access to the Apache CMS is 
> true. The problem is, that the ASF dosn't make a difference between Content 
> Developer and Core Developer. At ASF that's the same status. Become a 
> Commiter it's not a fast proces.

You have to show sustained contribution. Patches and presense are noticed by 
the PPMC who review and commit the work of non-commiter developers. Often this 
comes at the point where the reviewing committers would rather have the 
contributor do it themselves. This is what takes time.

> First you have to fill ICLA, then you have to be voted in by PPMC, and finaly 
> you have to wait for the apache account.

The main purpose of the ooo-private list is for the PPMC to discuss various 
individuals, vote, and only once a new committer has an account will there be a 
welcome email on ooo-dev.

> At the OOo Project you have only ask a Project Lead for content defeloper 
> right. Therefor you have access to the whole site at Apache OOo.

> Greetings Raphael
> -- 
> My private Homepage: http://www.raphaelbircher.ch/

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