Just to update on this:
- I have been discussing this with Raphael
- I'm generating current backups of the bz database from OOo
- I'm looking for a place to share an older version of the bz backup - it's around 10GB
- I am also looking to provide the bz templates


On 7/5/2011 10:37 AM, Dave Fisher wrote:
Mark Thomas is the person on the Apache Infrastructure group who stepped up as 
the contact when I asked infrastructure if they had an opinion in our first few 

Would someone remind us of the contacts on the current OOo bugzilla 
infrastructure. Are these the same contacts to for the MediaWiki?

Mark wanted to know about the overall size and also the underlying database. 
Someone who will carry out these first tests should make contact and start 
planning with Apache Infrastructure.

I know Raphael has been working on the bugzilla issue along with other 
inventory of openoffice domains.

 From what I've read on the list the bugzilla customizations are mostly in 
front in order to guide component selection. Something that others have doubted 
as being useful. To me that it was done means that it was probably perceived as 
useful at one time.


On Jul 5, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Rob Weir wrote:

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Raphael Bircher<r.birc...@gmx.ch>  wrote:
Am 05.07.11 18:27, schrieb Rob Weir:
I'd like to help move this discussion forward.  I'm not perceiving any
*strong* opinions on the Bugzilla versus JIRA question.  But I am
hearing several suggest that JIRA is a better tracker (custom
dashboards in particular were called out).  Bugzilla got some nods for
the ease of migration and the customization done to the OOo version.
Let's wait a little bit longer. The OOo Bugzilla is adapted in same case to
the project. First I'like to have a database dump and the used bugzilla
templates. So we can find out the difference between normal Bugzilla and the
OOo Bugzilla. And If we realy want to mofe to JIRA then we should first
evaluate the possible problem Areas.

Is this something that you are working on?

Right now, I'm only exploring feasibility, what is possible.  If we
find that migration to JIRA is feasible, then I'd propose going ahead
with it.  But now I am exploring.  But I think this is something that
we can do quickly.  It is one of the easier areas to migrate.

For my point of view it's not a good idea to setup now all tools. Else we
will maybe run in the problem, that we can't import the old data.

Our notes crossed, but did you see the my idea of migrating first to a
clean, uncustomized Bugzilla, and then from there to JIRA?

I propose that we make first a test migration and then the live migration.
So we have the possibility to track the problemes.

Yes, of course.

Greetings Raphael

My private Homepage: http://www.raphaelbircher.ch/

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