On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:34 AM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> wrote:
> There is an argument to be made for providing an avenue for
> non-development discussions. The problem (as I see it) with this
> request is that it is for a list without a clearly defined objective.
> OOO-discuss does not have a clear objective. Is it a user list? Is it
> a bud discussion list? A feature request list? A policy discussion
> list? Some other discuss list?

One idea, unconventional for Apache, but might still make sense:

1) Create a new list: ooo-general.  Transfer the subscriber list of
ooo-dev to ooo-general.  This new list becomes the official
cross-functional list for the AOOo project.  It is the list where all
project-wide proposals and votes are held.  It is the "list of record"
for the project.  It is the list we're talking about when we say, "If
it didn't happen on the list, it didn't happen"

2) Focus ooo-dev on the code.

I know this is an odd approach for most Apache projects, where 90% of
the discussion might be on code, with a small amount of discussion
about the website or marketing.  But with an end user oriented product
like OpenOffice, it has always been the case that the discussions are
far more diverse.  I think there may be some benefit to encouraging a
healthy code focus on ooo-dev, while enabling ooo-general to serve as
a necessary list for cross-functional coordidation and communications.


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