On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@openoffice.org> wrote:
> On 30/11/2011 Rob Weir wrote:
>> Some specific points that could use more detail include project
>> services (lists, wikis, Bugzilla, etc.) that would be very commonly
>> used with openoffice.org email addresses.  I think I listed them all.
>> But can you think of others?
> I just checked and I confirm what I wrote some days ago: the Extensions and
> Templates sites use single-sign-on with the @openoffice.org addresses, so
> only their @openoffice.org e-mail address is available in the system.
> This means that extension publishers can be contacted only through their
> @openoffice.org address; the first thing to do in the possible future clones
> of the Extensions and Templates site would thus be to disable the
> single-sign-on (unfortunately) and send out password reset links before the
> @openoffice.org addresses and the single-sign-on expire, otherwise extension
> publishers will lose access to the website.

A password reset doesn't fix it.    We need users to specify a
different email address, right?  Is that even possible?  Does the app
have a separate user-id and email address field?  Or does it assume
they are always the same?

Or is the idea that the password reset notification is the easiest way
to contact all of the users?


> Regards,
>  Andrea.

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