On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 5:20 AM, FR web forum <ooofo...@free.fr> wrote:
> ----- Mail original -----
>>De: "Rob Weir" <robw...@apache.org>
>>However, inserting a point of view regarding what is and isn't a
>>'fork" is not something that will be well received by other Wikipedia
>>editors.  They want factual information, a neutral point of view,
>>backed by authoritative citations.
> You are right Rob
> And french WP editors confirm: AOO is a fork.
> Reason: old releases are not supported by ASF

That is an odd definition of a fork.  Microsoft does not support
versions of Microsoft Office before Office 2003. Does that mean
Microsoft Office is a fork also?

> and english WP article is a Marketing message.
> See: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discussion:Apache_OpenOffice.org
> If you have some information to contradict them, you should publish
> your official position on Apache blog.

You can also find a citation for an opposing view point and then
change the article to say, "Some authors saying that AOO is a fork,
others point out that AOO is a direct continuation of the code, the
website and the trademark..."


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