Ross, I've been doing this for >10 years, far longer than you. And I
have coordinated more online and open source communities, too, I'd

I do have canned responses, but these no longer apply, given the new
situation. As it happens, the number of outlier requests has dropped
precipitously over the last two months, as AOO builds steam. I
receive, now, very few, and those I do, I quickly route to this proper

Sorry if I bristled. I accept, of course, advice all the time; even
from my mother in law, always from my spouse, and even from kind
strangers :-).


On 30 January 2012 16:18, Ross Gardler <> wrote:
> On 30 January 2012 21:04, Louis Suárez-Potts <> wrote:
>> I also do not appreciate your tone and implication that I am falsifying 
>> claims.
> That was not my intention, nor what I said. My point is that you tell
> us you are receiving trademark requests and other such items, but
> these never seem to get forwarded to the PPMC. I did not mean to imply
> you are falsifying these claims, but only indicating that they are
> only claims if we do not have the the items passed to us. That is I am
> using the word "claim" as defined at
> - which says nothing of
> falsification.
> My apologies for any unintentional offence caused.
> My point is that all such requests should either be forwarded to this
> list or the poster should be requested to repost it themselves.
> Personally I have a canned response for just this purpose. I can't
> deal with the number of personal emails I get relating to various
> projects. I only meant to provide you with some friendly advice.
> Ross
>> I will send to TJ the concerned user's request.
>> Louis
>>> Personally I would rather see you spending time addressing the issue
>>> with SPI funds since you are the named individual dealing with the SPI
>>> (or alternatively indicating that you do not intend to do so, thereby
>>> making way for someone else to do it).
>>> Ross
> --
> Ross Gardler (@rgardler)
> Programme Leader (Open Development)
> OpenDirective

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