On 3/29/12 8:11 AM, Serg Bormant wrote:

2012/3/28 Ariel Constenla-Haile<arie...@apache.org>:
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 09:36:11PM +0400, Serg Bormant wrote:
2012/3/28 Claudio Filho<filh...@gmail.com>:
Sorry, Risto. For this step, you need to do:

$ wget http://people.apache.org/~jsc/sdf/en-US.sdf
-o fi.SDF

$ wget http://people.apache.org/~jsc/sdf/en-US.sdf
$ wget 
-O fi.SDF

May be it's better to use Apache Subversion to checkout that file:

svn co 

Then you can update it, as it get updated by AOO devs.:

cd fi
svn up

Lost wget in second line and -O (upper case o) instead of -o

Then you will have the "template" (en_US) more the old translation
(fi) in the same directory, so you can merge in an unique file.

$ cat en-US.sdf fi.sdf>  fi.old.sdf

After, convert in PO files.

$ oo2po --source-language=en-US -l fi -i fi.old.sdf fi

... and now you get backtrace with

ValueError: invalid tab-delimited line: '#\n'

This is because of the header comment in the localize.sdf. Copy the file
and remove the first 31 lines of the header:

cp fi/localize.sdf fi-old.sdf

vim fi-old.sdf
(remove the comments at the beginning)

cat en-US.sdf fi-old.sdf>  fi-merged.sdf

Thanks, header was the source of error, not line in the middle of sdf
with literally '#\n' as I mistakenly thought. While the header is 31
line this simple command sequence prepares Russian PO set in ui/ and
help/ directories with the same structure as used in pootle l10n

$ svn co 
$ wget -O en-US.sdf http://people.apache.org/~jsc/sdf/en-US.sdf
$ ( cat en-US.sdf ; tail -n +32 ru/localize.sdf )>  merged.sdf
$ rm ui help
$ oo2po -l ru merged.sdf ui
$ mv ui/helpcontent2 ./help

To update localized .sdf:
$ svn co ru

It would be nice to checkout/update en-US.sdf from svn too. What do
you think about this? On the one hand, the en-US.sdf is not source
file because it is generated based on the source tree, but on the
other it is the starting point (and a source) for l10n process.

First of all I would like to point you all on this wiki page http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Localization_for_developers#Roundtrip

You don't have to merge any files together manually.

I think in the future we will find a way to checkin the po files instead of the sdf. Or at the beginning we will maybe have both checked in. A goal should be to eliminate the sdf files completely if possible.

I can also think about a process where we automatically merge the po files from the pootle into our repo on a regular basis... That means that we would have to update pootle first when we got external offline translated po files or should update both.


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