
From my point of view it would make sense to reactivate a simple update service for AOO 3.4.

The update URL for AOO 3.4 is:
http://update38.services.openoffice.org/ProductUpdateService/check.Update (plus a query part ?pkgfmt=<pkgformat> for non-Windows platforms)

As this URL resolves to nothing, the user currently gets the following response from the update functionality in AOO 3.4:
Status: Checking for an update failed.
Description: General Internet error has occurred.

I propose provide the following XML document when a HTTP GET request to the above given URL is made:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inst:description xmlns:inst="http://installation.openoffice.org/description";>

Kay already made such an XML document available at:

This response would allow the update functionality in AOO 3.4 to return to the user that the version is up to date.

Thus, to reactivate an working update service for AOO 3.4 a redirection is 

Can somebody make this happen?
I have to admit that do not have the knowledge to do it on my own.

Best regards, Oliver.

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