Thanks Rob,

makes sense,

The automatic styles seem non intuitively named to me, but thanks for
the explanation.
I shall check it out to clarify it in my little brain.



On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:05 PM, Rob Weir <> wrote:
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Ian <> wrote:
>> Thanks Andrew,
>> I am coming to that conclusion. I'm not sure why some of the styles
>> are there though.
>> Are there some default styles in a vanilla new text document. The one
>> I have may have been based on some other and inherited its styles etc?
> Think of it this way:   a document is created based on a default
> template that has definitions for a harmonious set of styles.  When
> the document is saved, it saves the definitions for all of these
> styles, not just the ones actually in use.  Imagine if it were
> otherwise.  I create a document that uses only header-1 and default
> paragraph styles.  If I save with only those definitions, what happens
> when I (or someone else) tries to edit the document and wants to add a
> header-2, or a list, or a quotation?  These style definitions would
> not exist.
> So, you really want to save the harmonious set of style definitions,
> so these styles have expected relationships in terms of font face,
> size, etc.
> That said, there is nothing wrong, from an ODF perspective, to omit
> unused style definitions.  You could create a document like this from
> the Apache ODF Toolkit, and it would load correctly in OpenOffice.
> But, depending on the intended use, the user might expect to be able
> to pick from the full set of styles.
>> I see in the spec there are automatic styles too... which are inherant
>> in a given object. I will do some head scratching and more
>> reading/digging.
> It works like this:  Automatic styles are the styles created on the
> fly when the user directly applies attributes to objects rather than
> using a predefined, named style.  So if you select some text and click
> the bold icon, and increase the font size to 14pt,  then an automatic
> style is created to express that combination of attributes.
> -Rob
>> Thanks again.
>> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
>> <> wrote:
>>> I did not bother to check the spec, but I will hazard a guess that the
>>> problem is that the information is in the style itself. If the information
>>> is in the style, then if it is not persisted then it will be lost.
>>> Are you looking at a style that has a parent style? I expect that if I
>>> create a child style and do NOT set a specific attribute, that it inherits
>>> the value from the parent and will not, therefore, be persisted into the
>>> file.  The parent will have the values persisted, of course....
>>> On 05/27/2012 06:06 AM, Ian wrote:
>>>> Ah I think I see why the font declarations are there now.
>>>> They are required to meet some of the style definitions.
>>>> But I'm not sure why all those styles attriburtes are there?
>>>> <style:text-properties style:use-window-font-color="true"
>>>> style:font-name="Liberation Serif" fo:font-size="12pt"
>>>> fo:language="en" fo:country="US" style:letter-kerning="true"
>>>> style:font-name-asian="文泉驛正黑" style:font-size-asian="12pt"
>>>> style:language-asian="zh" style:country-asian="CN"
>>>> style:font-name-complex="Lohit Devanagari"
>>>> style:font-size-complex="12pt" style:language-complex="hi"
>>>> style:country-complex="IN" fo:hyphenate="false"
>>>> fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count="2"
>>>> fo:hyphenation-push-char-count="2"/>
>>>> Are they required?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ian
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: Ian<>
>>>> Date: Sun, May 27, 2012 at 5:35 PM
>>>> Subject: [Dev] Redundant information in ODF document
>>>> To:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am interested in looking into the ODF documents produced by AOO with
>>>> a respect to the document schema etc.
>>>> One thing I noticed when creating a simple almost "Hello World"
>>>> document is that there are some unused and probably not required font
>>>> infomation in the content.xml.
>>>> <office:font-face-decls>
>>>>   <style:font-face style:name="Lohit Devanagari1"
>>>> svg:font-family="'Lohit Devanagari'"/>
>>>>    <style:font-face style:name="URW Bookman L" svg:font-family="'URW
>>>> Bookman L'" style:font-adornments="Light"
>>>> style:font-pitch="variable"/>
>>>>    <style:font-face style:name="Liberation Serif"
>>>> svg:font-family="'Liberation Serif'" style:font-family-generic="roman"
>>>> style:font-pitch="variable"/>
>>>>    <style:font-face style:name="Liberation Sans"
>>>> svg:font-family="'Liberation Sans'" style:font-family-generic="swiss"
>>>> style:font-pitch="variable"/>
>>>>    <style:font-face style:name="Lohit Devanagari"
>>>> svg:font-family="'Lohit Devanagari'"
>>>> style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable"/>
>>>>    <style:font-face style:name="文泉驛正黑" svg:font-family="文泉驛正黑"
>>>> style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable"/>
>>>> </office:font-face-decls>
>>>> Is this by design? Why? Or some sort of bug?
>>>> Only the URW Bookman font is used by the few lines of text in the
>>>> document.
>>>> And looking into the Styles xml document I see tons of possibly
>>>> redundant entries. There for possible future edits of the document? Eg
>>>> Footer styles.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ian
>>> --
>>> Andrew Pitonyak
>>> My Macro Document:
>>> Info:

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