On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 05/28/12 15:00, Rob Weir wrote:
>> ...
>> Yes the situation was specifically postponed as a graduation
>> issue, I am not going through that discussion again.
>> I made a concrete proposal with two alternatives:
>> - They are moved to a friendly ftp/http site.
>> - I step down from the PPMC to avoid the community
>> the pain of a -1 vote.
>> Since this is a policy question, I assume a third option would be to
>> clarify the policy?  That might make sense as the first step in any
>> case.
> We already went through that and it's pretty clear to me. Those

You could be in error.  I hope you acknowledge that as a possibility.
I could be in error s well.  So what either one of us believes is not
really the point, is it?  Thus the suggestion to clarify the policy.

> Category-B tarballs are there in an attempt to work around the
> fact that we are only supposed to be using binaries.

The restriction concerning category-b binaries is a restriction on releases.

> No other Apache project is carrying sources and patches to
> MPL'd tarballs in the repositories and, other than the
> configure option, we are giving them basically the same
> treatment as Category-A.

We're not including category-b source in releases.  If we learned
anything in the last year I'd hope we learned that this was an
important distinction.

> I won't spend any more energy on the issue but feel free to
> do all the consultations you want, and don't take the second
> alternative as a threat.

How should I take it then?

> Pedro.

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