Re this thread:

I did indeed remove the download link to Java entirely.

Why? Well there are at least 2 versions of Java which may be of interest to
our user base --
Oracle Java. and OpenJDK.

Given the discussion in the thread referenced above, our other page with
information on java,

does need some changes.

As far as I know, there appear to be NO issues with either Oracle Java 7 or
OpenJDK with Linux 32 bit. I can't find much on our lists about Linux 64
bit and/or java 7 64 bit.

OK, some reports about problems with 64 bit Oracle Java and AOO 3.4. After
reviewing the bug reports, the jury is still out on if this is the fault of
an extension or not. So, we should make folsk aware that there MAY be
problems with 64 bit Windows and 64 bit Java 7. Oddly, the same problems
don't seem to surface with the 32 bit Java 7 under Windows.

Mac OS X
Currently, Apple is still/only distributing java 1.6, so no red flags here
that I could fine.
OpenJDK 7 is also available for Mac OS X. I can't find any reporting from
users who might have this combination.
At any rate, no reported issues with Mac and Oracle java 1.6 except for
initial setup issues -- can't find the JRE.

So, I propose we make changes to:

specifically mentioning the Win 64 bit with Oracle 7 Java 64 bit problems.

Additionally, we could supply links to both the Oracle Java site --
and the OpenJDK site --

Unless there are any objections, I could go ahead and make these changes by
the end of this week, Friday.


"I would rather have a donkey that takes me there
 than a horse that will not fare."
                                          -- Portuguese proverb

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