On 7/16/2012 18:07, Kevin Grignon wrote:
KG01 - Hey all, I'm back from the unconnected world.

Great topic. See comments inline.

On Jul 16, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Yong Lin Ma <mayo...@apache.org> wrote:

Just for the property sidebar. Kevin have done some analysis about how
it can be integrated into AOO.

KG01 - Indeed, Symphony sidebar has some great behavior that we should adopt. 
My assessment identifies specific aspects of the Symphony UX to adopt, and 
identifies opportunities for AOO improvement as well. Ideally, we can provide a 
hybrib that reprenents the best of both tools. Next step is to move the line 
items into Bugzilla.

I would also note that there ate many aspects of Symphony UX that would be 
great to adopt. See. AOO UX wiki for more details.

The problem is the migration of it from Symphony won't be
straightforward and no one is actually working on it as far as I know.

KG01 - hmmmm....

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Guy Waterval <waterval....@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Yong Lin Ma,

2012/7/16 Yong Lin Ma <mayo...@apache.org>

You may share ideas with Kevin who is working on UI changes backlogs.

Or propose ideas by yourself here

KG01 - visit the AOO UX wiki for more information on how we can move forward on 
our next generation UI.

What I find a great feature in LS is the "Context sensitive toolbar" which
allows to reduce the number of available toolbars in the Vue menu.

KG01 - Context sensitive toolbars are a great way to manage complexity and to 
progressively disclose tool actions. The Symphony task pane is a great start. 
We could explore other approaches to reduce the number of commands presented in 
the toolbars and make the available sections more contextual.

But OK,
I'm a Symphony user. Perhaps this feature would be found unpleasant for
most OpenOffice users.
Meanwhile, the impossibility to deplace this toolbar in the work area is
perhaps discutable.


KG01 - Re: next generation AOO UI. I will start a discussion thread on the AOO 
wiki to advance this exploration. See wiki for details.

Hi, Kevin,

Two quick comments:
(1) Links to the wiki are helpful to your readers here.
(2) Pictures of the Symphony details are worth 10K words, especially in the .ODT documents (it's easier there than on the wiki).


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