On Sep 4, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Torokhov Sergey <torokhov_...@mail.ru> wrote:

> On Friday 24 of August 2012 17:19:33 Phillip Rhodes wrote:
>> Somebody slap my wrist or correct me if this is redundant, or in the
>> wrong place, but I didn't see anything
>> on the wiki related to AOO4 brainstorming, so I created this:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO4+Brainstorming
>> My idea is that we can breakout individual areas for specific
>> proposals for further work.  As an example:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Social+Integration
>> If this needs to be somewhere else, let me know, or feel free to move
>> it or whatever.
>> Phil
> Sorry if I wtite in not quite suitable topic.
> Is it planing to release AOO-3.5 or it will version 4.0 of next release?
> What about some small old feature requests (especialy that conserning
> localization) for realisation of AOO-3.5 if it will take place?

Based on prior discussions I think the idea is:

1. If we find very serious bugs in 3.4.1, such as a security
vulnerability, we would release a 3.4.2 build. This could also include
new translations that are ready.

2. A release that adds new features but not a major UI change might be
called 3.5.

3. A major release with significant UI changes might be a 4.0.

>From what I can see there had been concurrent discussion and planning
on each of these. But note that we might not do all of these. We might
not need a 3.5.2 if we don't find critical bugs. And we might go
directly to 4.0. These are all topics open for discussion.


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