On 9/24/2012 4:47 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
On 9/24/12 8:01 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
On 23/09/2012 Shenfeng Liu wrote:
3. Deliver milestone builds to harvest our development fruits. A
build is:
       (a) a development snapshot that contains the features/enhancements
that implemented till now;
       (b) passed regression test to ensure no severe defects;
       (c) announced on a development wiki;
       (d) with documents on the wiki for the list of features and bug
in this milestone build (like a release notes).
Milestone builds are a good idea: they would not be the same as the
daily snapshots (which by the way are not yet available for all
platforms). I would add:

(e) available in all official supported languages, at least as langpack;

and make the builds available on a monthly basis, so they can be easily
identified and we can engage QA testers more effectively. This, of
course, unless people who provide the builds find it too time-consuming
to upload a build per month.
milestone builds are not only a good idea, they are overdue. We had
already agreed on milestones builds some weeks before and we lost focus
on this a little bit with other things :-(

I would suggest that we start this week with the first snapshot builds
and ideally based on a revision that our build bots have build
successful. Unfortunately I see only the 64 bit Linux build bot
reporting a successful build. We should analyzing these problems first.

Based on this I would suggest that we do official snapshots every 2 or 4
weeks besides our nightly build bot builds that can be used for testing
as well. Probably a 4 weeks cycle is good to report in more detail what
the snapshot contains and to focus more testing on it.
I would like to set up snapshot builds on the buildbots (in addition to the nightly builds) It is easy to build a branch, but I'm not sure how to build a specific selected version (automatically each week...)
How could we have the buildbots build the 'official snapshots'?

What do you think, is a 4 week cycle for official dev snapshots enough
together with working build bits supporting nightly builds?

Thanks Simon, for bringing this up again.



Andrew Rist | Interoperability Architect
OracleCorporate Architecture Group
Redwood Shores, CA | 650.506.9847

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